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네브래스카 주의 공통 원인, 2월 22일 투표 회복 법안에 대한 청문회에서 증언

네브래스카주 링컨 — 오늘, Common Cause Nebraska(CCNE) 대표이사인 게빈 가이스가 정부, 군사 및 재향군인 문제 위원회에 출석하여 형기를 마친 사람들에게 투표권을 회복해주는 NE 법안인 LB20을 지지한다는 증언을 할 예정입니다. 

링컨, 네브래스카주 Today, Common Cause Nebraska (CCNE) Executive Director Gavin Geis will appear before the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee to testify in support of LB20, 아 NE bill that will restore voting rights for those who have completed their sentence. 

The bill, introduced by Sen. Justin Wayne of District 13, specifically calls to restore the right to vote for people convicted of a felony upon completion of their sentence or probation. Currently, 16 states allow those with felony records to vote immediately after their sentence is completed. In contrast, Nebraskans are stripped of their voting rights up to two years after a completion of sentence, including parole and/or probation.

“LB20 means protecting the most important and sacred right we share, our right to vote.” said Geis. “Regardless of their record, Nebraskans deserve the opportunity to swiftly participate in our democratic process after their sentence has ended. This will restore our friends, family, and neighbors’ constitutional rights and their belief in a fair and just Nebraska.”

The hearing will begin at 1:30 pm CST on Wednesday, Feb. 22, in Room 1507 of the Nebraska State Capitol. Members of the public may attend in person or virtually. Common Cause Nebraska will release Geis’ testimony on their website shortly after he leaves the stand.




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