Rights Restored!


We are thrilled to announce a historic milestone in Nebraska: the restoration of voting rights for individuals who have served their time for a felony conviction! While previously, people with a felony conviction had to wait two years after the completion of their sentence to vote, the Nebraska legislature passed legislation in 2024 that removed the waiting period.

This important change reflects our commitment to fairness and inclusivity in our democracy, ensuring that all voices are heard and every citizen has the opportunity to participate in the electoral process.

If you or someone you know has been impacted by this change and is now eligible to vote, we encourage you to visit www.getmyvoteback.org for more information on how to register and participate in future elections. Your vote is your voice, and we are excited to welcome you back to the democratic process.

This momentous achievement would not have been possible without the tireless advocacy of individuals and organizations dedicated to justice and equality. We celebrate this victory together and look forward to a future where every eligible Nebraskan can exercise their right to vote.

Join us in celebrating this historic milestone and spreading the word about the importance of voting rights for all. Together, we can build a more inclusive and representative democracy for future generations.

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Election Modernization