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What we're doing...

A lot of our work doesn’t fit into neat categories, but we know it’s important because it affects our democracy in critical ways. In that vein, Common Cause Nebraska is protecting our Constitution from the dangers of an Article V convention and and helping everyday people navigate our state sunshine laws.

Constitution, Courts & Other Democracy Issues Campaigns...

Advocate for Government Access

Guard Against an Article V Constitutional Convention

An Article V constitutional convention is a dangerous path that puts all of our cherished rights, civil liberties, and freedoms at risk.

Get involved with Common Cause Nebraska

Create an Independent Redistricting Commission

Nebraska will draw new voting maps in 2021; our policymakers need to be reminded that everyday people deserve fair maps.

Help Protect our Elections

Join our team of Election Protection volunteers to serve as Nebraska voters’ first line of defense against misinformation and disenfranchisement at the ballot box.

Learn more about Influence in Nebraska

Common Cause Nebraska has spent decades tracking big spenders and wealthy interests that influence our policymakers. Read our latest report to learn more.

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