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Putting People Before Money

Money has long played a significant role in Nebraska politics, influencing elections and policy decisions. Wealthy individuals and special interests can wield disproportionate influence by contributing large sums to political campaigns, drowning out the voices of ordinary citizens. This leads to concerns about corruption, the undue influence of moneyed interests, and a lack of transparency in our political system.

Limiting Campaign Contributions
One solution to the problem of money in politics is to limit the amount that individuals and organizations can contribute to political campaigns. By setting reasonable limits on campaign contributions, we can help level the playing field and ensure that no single donor or interest group can unduly influence the outcome of an election. Nebraska is one of a handful of states that allow unlimited donations to candidates for office, which makes it even harder for average people without connections to wealth to run for office.

Increasing Public Disclosure
Another crucial reform is to increase transparency in political spending by requiring more comprehensive and timely disclosure of campaign contributions and expenditures. This would allow voters to see who is funding political campaigns and make more informed decisions at the ballot box. By shining a light on dark money and undisclosed donors, we can help restore trust in our political system and ensure that our elections are free and fair.


We believe that limiting campaign contributions and increasing public disclosure are essential steps toward limiting the influence of money in politics and restoring integrity to our democracy. Join us in calling for these important reforms and help us build a political system that truly represents the interests of every Nebraskan. Together, we can make a difference and create a more equitable and transparent political process for future generations.

Money & Influence Campaigns...

Annual Lobby Report

Influence for Sale in the Unicameral

Disclosure and Transparency

Nebraskans deserve to know who is trying to influence our government and what they're spending to do it.

Citizen-Funded Elections

Elections financed by small-dollar donors help break down barriers to participation in our democracy, creating a government that looks more like us and works better for us.

Get involved with Common Cause Nebraska

Create an Independent Redistricting Commission

Nebraska will draw new voting maps in 2021; our policymakers need to be reminded that everyday people deserve fair maps.

Help Protect our Elections

Join our team of Election Protection volunteers to serve as Nebraska voters’ first line of defense against misinformation and disenfranchisement at the ballot box.

Learn more about Influence in Nebraska

Common Cause Nebraska has spent decades tracking big spenders and wealthy interests that influence our policymakers. Read our latest report to learn more.

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