
Press Release

Common Cause Nebraska to Testify at March 23 Hearings on Campaign Finance Bills

LINCOLN, NE — Tomorrow, Common Cause Nebraska (CCNE) Issues Chair Jack Gould will appear before the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee to testify in support of LB9, a NE bill that will force disclosures about issue-related, non-candidate spending. That same day, CCNE Executive Director Gavin Geis will also testify supporting LB737, which seeks to place a $1000 limit on how much anyone can contribute to candidates for office.

LINCOLN, NE Tomorrow, Common Cause Nebraska (CCNE) Issues Chair Jack Gould will appear before the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee to testify in support of LB9, a NE bill that will force disclosures about issue-related, non-candidate spending. That same day, CCNE Executive Director Gavin Geis will also testify supporting LB737, which seeks to place a $1000 limit on how much anyone can contribute to candidates for office. 

LBs 9 and 737, introduced by state Sens. Carol Blood and Jane Raybould respectively, both aim to bring accountability to campaign finances, making campaign contributors public knowledge.

Currently, there are no limits on donations from individuals or non-individuals in Nebraska, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In the U.S., 38 states place some limit on how much individuals can contribute, 43 limit donations from PACs, and 45 limit contributions from corporations.

“Make no mistake: our elected leaders should prioritize the people’s interests, not special interests,” said Geis. “And we must do everything in our power to make sure our leaders aren’t auctioned off to the highest bidders.”

The hearing for both bills will begin at 1:30 pm CST on Thursday, March 23, in Room 1507 of the Nebraska State Capitol. Members of the public may attend in person or virtually. Geis’ testimony can be found here. Common Cause Nebraska will release Gould’s testimony on their website shortly after he leaves the stand.
