

Common Cause Nebraska works at the state and local level to defend and strengthen American democracy.

What We're Doing

Campaign Finance Reform


Campaign Finance Reform

Money plays an oversized role in our elections, but there are policies we're fighting for that put power back in the hands of average Nebraskans.

From disclosing dark money contributions to placing common-sense limits on individual contributions, the Cornhusker state has options for reforming how we finance elections.
Voting Rights Restoration


Voting Rights Restoration

The voting rights of thousands of Nebraskans with felony convictions have been restored, but there's a new fight ahead to ensure those rights!

Even though the legislature passed a bill to restore the voting rights of people with felony convictions after they've completed their sentence, actions by the Attorney General and Secretary of State have put those rights in jeopardy.
Fair Redistricting In Nebraska


Fair Redistricting In Nebraska

Nebraskans deserve fair elections, where every vote counts and the outcomes reflect the will of the people.

Featured Issues

Money in Politics

Money in Politics

Citizens United invited huge sums of dark money into our democracy. We're demanding reforms that put ordinary people ahead of billionaire campaign donors.
Fair Redistricting & Ending Gerrymandering

Fair Redistricting & Ending Gerrymandering

Politicians should not be allowed to draw voting maps that benefit themselves. We need to create a fair system so that voters choose their politicians, not the other way around.
Voting Rights Restoration

Voting Rights Restoration

A democracy that is truly of, by, and for the people must extend the right to vote to all its citizens. Common Cause is pushing back against laws that disenfranchise and disempower millions of Americans every year.
Election Protection

Election Protection

Every eligible voter deserves a say in the policies that impact their daily lives. That is why Common Cause mobilizes volunteers nationwide to help voters cast their ballot.

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