

2016 Nebraska Lobby Report

Lobbying must pay off, because the investment grows with each year! Last year saw another million-dollar increase in lobby spending.

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Public Service Commission Donations

A review of campaign donations to candidates for Nebraska's Public Service Commission found that they were funded mostly by the industries they are elected to regulate, rather than average Nebraskans.


Lobbyist Spending: Nebraska’s Other Pandemic Thrives During COVID-19

In 2000, gross earnings for the Nebraska lobby were recorded as $3,002853. Since then, we have seen increases each year reaching an all-time high in 2019 of $19,405,061. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, however, brought the steady growth in total earnings to a halt.


Shucking the Bucks: Another Record Harvest for Nebraska Lobbyists

For nine years, Common Cause Nebraska has compiled public records to document the growing wealth of the lobby and expose the influence of special interest money in politics. We continue to advocate for a two-year break before legislators can become lobbyists, ending in-session fundraisers and more transparency from both lobbyists and the special interest groups on how they influence lawmakers.


Breaking Records: Wealthy Special Interests Spend Most Ever

For eight years, Common Cause Nebraska has compiled lobbyists’ expenses to document the growing wealth of
the lobby and advance reforms to curb the influence of special interest money in politics. This report highlights how Nebraskans have become accepting of lobbyists wining, dining and entertaining their way to access, despite how it puts the average citizen at a disadvantage.



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