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Heading into the Final Week: Democracy Issues On a Winning Streak!

With less than a week before Sine Die for the 54th Legislative Session, things are really heating up in the Roundhouse, and CCNM is working hard to pass and protect democracy reforms in New Mexico!

Heading into the Final Week: Democracy Issues On a Winning Streak! 

With less than a week before Sine Die for the 54th Legislative Session, things are really heating up in the Roundhouse, and CCNM is working hard to pass and protect democracy reforms in New Mexico!


Thanks to all of your calls and emails to Senators last week, the SJR 4, Convention of States bill, was tabled by members of the Senate Rules Committee, 5-2!

Take a minute to thank the members of the Senate Rules Committee for their strong support to defending our democracy from a dangerous call for a constitutional convention!

Tracking update for CCNM Priority Bills:

  • HB229, Changes to Election Law, passed the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, February 12th, and PASSED the House Floor on Saturday Feb. 15. HB 229 adds a number of changes to election law that assists our County Clerks and Secretary of State to better serve New Mexicans in conducting elections. Among the changes are absentee and voter registration changes. These are not major changes to the Election Code, and is waiting to be scheduled in the Senate Rules Committee. 
  • SB 267, District Judges in Voter Action Act. This bill would allow District Judges to qualify for our state’s public financing program, but did not receive a message from the Governor this session and is unlikely to be scheduled to be heard this session. 
  • SB 268, Legislators in Voter Action Act. This bill would allow state legislative candidates to qualify for our state’s public financing program, but did not receive a message from the Governor this session and is unlikely to be scheduled to be heard this session. 

Updates on legislation that CCNM is also supporting:


Coming up (so far) this week:

  • HJR 8, Terms of Non-Statewide Elected Officials, this constitutional amendment is waiting to be scheduled in the Senate Rules Committee
  • SJR 11, Supreme Court Justice Salaries. This constitutional amendment would raise judicial salaries (which here in NM are one of the lowest salary levels in the nation) and raise them to match judicial salaries set for federal judges.  This pay increase is LONG overdue for our judges and much needed to recruit top experienced judicial talent for our courts. It is currently scheduled for its first hearing on the Senate Rules Committee calendar on February 17, 2020. 
  • SB 185, Additional Judgeships, this bill has passed all of its assigned committees for both the Senate and the House and is scheduled on the House Floor Calendar. 

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