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Voting & Elections 01.23.2017

What's your legislator's GPA?

Common Cause New Mexico will be grading legislators on good-government reforms - Visit www.NMGPA.org

Voting & Elections 05.4.2016

2016 New Mexico Candidate Surveys

Common Cause New Mexico asked legislative candidates the tough questions about campaign finance, ethics reform and independent redistricting.

Money & Influence 11.23.2015

Guide to Campaign Finance Solutions

Common Cause New Mexico, along with our partners, has long advocated for specific reforms to bring greater transparency and accountability to our state's campaign finance system.

Money & Influence 07.27.2015

Reader View: Let's fix public financing in Santa Fe

Simon Brackley, president and CEO of the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce writes in support of Common Cause New Mexico's plan to fix public financing.

Money & Influence 06.2.2015

Fixing the Public Campaign Financing System in Albuquerque

Empower everyday New Mexicans! We need your support to fix the public campaign finance system in Albuquerque!

Money & Influence 05.6.2015

Onward and Upward!

Common Cause New Mexico is tackling campaign finance reform at the municipal levels!

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