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Money & Influence 06.9.2015

Amending the Albuquerque Campaign Finance Reporting Law

Common Cause New Mexico is proposing amendments to the Albuquerque Campaign Finance Reporting Law to bring it into compliance with recent court rulings

Money & Influence 06.2.2015

Fixing the Public Campaign Financing System in Albuquerque

Empower everyday New Mexicans! We need your support to fix the public campaign finance system in Albuquerque!

Voting & Elections 03.19.2015

Disclosure and Voting Bills Show Some Hustle to Get to the Finish Line!

Common Cause New Mexico supported-bill to improve contribution disclosure on the move in the final days of the session

Voting & Elections 03.18.2015

Luck Continues for Good Government Bills in the Senate!

Common Cause New Mexico worked with Rep. Steinborn to help pass Primary Voting for 17 year olds through the Senate Rules Committee

Money & Influence 03.17.2015

At Dawn of Sunshine Week, NM Legislature Has Yet to Act on Disclosure, Ethics Bills

Common Cause New Mexico is celebrating Sunshine Week by working to pass bills to improve transparency in the final week of the session.

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