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Money & Influence 02.17.2016

The last two days of the 2016 Legislative Session are here!

Common Cause New Mexico continues working to pass good-government legislation.

Money & Influence 02.16.2016

Ethics, Disclosure and more Campaign Finance Reform Race to the Finish of the 2016 Legislative Session

Common Cause New Mexico working in overdrive to push bills over the finish line.

Money & Influence 02.12.2016

Campaign Finance Bill in Senate Rules Committee Tomorrow at 9AM!

Support better campaign finance and lobbyist reporting by joining Common Cause New Mexico for the hearing tomorrow morning!

Money & Influence 02.12.2016

Campaign Finance Improvement Bill Heads to Senate!

HB 105 sponsored by Rep. Jim Smith (R-Tijeras) and Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-Albuquerque) passes House of Representatives 65-0!

Money & Influence 02.11.2016

More Victories for Good Government!

Common Cause New Mexico thanks lawmakers and supporters who helped advance HJR5 Ethics Commission and HB 137 Lobbying Expenditure Reporting!

Voting & Elections 02.9.2016

Victories Today at the Roundhouse, With More to Come (Hopefully)!

Common Cause New Mexico is excited to announce that a bill passed the House Floor today, which would allow 17 year olds to vote in primary elections if they will be 18 by the general election.

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