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Money & Influence 09.2.2015

Duran case highlights need for independent ethics panel

Common Cause New Mexico has long advocated for a truly independent, nonpartisan ethics commission, and a recent poll shows 86% of New Mexican voters agree.

Voting & Elections 08.30.2015

Common Cause New Mexico’s Executive Director, Viki Harrison, released the following statement today regarding the Secretary of State situation

After Attorney General Hector Balderas filed charges against Secretary of State Dianna Duran, Common Cause New Mexico calls for quick and fair outcome so that state government can get back to business

Voting & Elections 08.30.2015

Common Cause New Mexico’s Executive Director, Viki Harrison, released the following statement today regarding the Secretary of State situation

After Attorney General Hector Balderas filed charges against Secretary of State Dianna Duran, Common Cause New Mexico calls for quick and fair outcome so that state government can get back to business

Money & Influence 07.27.2015

Reader View: Let's fix public financing in Santa Fe

Simon Brackley, president and CEO of the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce writes in support of Common Cause New Mexico's plan to fix public financing.

Money & Influence 06.9.2015

Amending the Albuquerque Campaign Finance Reporting Law

Common Cause New Mexico is proposing amendments to the Albuquerque Campaign Finance Reporting Law to bring it into compliance with recent court rulings

Money & Influence 06.2.2015

Fixing the Public Campaign Financing System in Albuquerque

Empower everyday New Mexicans! We need your support to fix the public campaign finance system in Albuquerque!

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Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.