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Voting & Elections 02.20.2017

NEW MEXICO A Busy Week Ahead for Better Government!

Common Cause New Mexico is preparing for Student Advocacy Day at the Roundhouse and priority bills coming up in committee and on the Senate Floor!

Voting & Elections 02.17.2017

NEW MEXICO Is One More Step Closer To Creating An Independent Ethics Commission!

Common Cause New Mexico has been working for 40 YEARS to advance ethics reforms and create an ethics commission that would benefit our great state!

Voting & Elections 02.14.2017

NEW MEXICO Slowing the Revolving Door is headed to the House Floor & the Week Ahead

Common Cause New Mexico has a busy week ahead, and good news, some of our priority bills are headed to the Floor of the House or Senate!

Voting & Elections 02.9.2017

NEW MEXICO Lots of Bills, and of course, a setback

Common Cause New Mexico is working to overcome objections and advance bills that will impact State Government

Voting & Elections 01.23.2017

What's your legislator's GPA?

Common Cause New Mexico will be grading legislators on good-government reforms - Visit www.NMGPA.org

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