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Money & Influence 03.18.2015

Luck Continues for Good Government Bills in the Senate!

Common Cause New Mexico worked with Rep. Steinborn to help pass Primary Voting for 17 year olds through the Senate Rules Committee

Voting & Elections 03.16.2015

One Week to Go – Still Got Some Movement!

Common Cause New Mexico is working to pass reforms in the last week of the 2015 Legislative Session

Voting & Elections 02.24.2015

Good Voting and Election Bills on the Move

Common Cause New Mexico works to advance bills to improve voting rights, disclosure and ethics.

Voting & Elections 02.19.2015

Thank You to the House Judiciary Committee For Supporting Common Cause Issues Today!

Common Cause New Mexico passes through committee a bill that promotes democracy for our future by encouraging young people to vote.

Voting & Elections 02.17.2015

“Revolving Door” Begins to Close

Common Cause New Mexico priority legislation to require a two-year waiting period before legislators become lobbyists passes committee unanimously

Voting & Elections 02.13.2015

Roundhouse Resurrection!

Common Cause New Mexico had several successes at the Roundhouse, with bills coming off the table for a vote.

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