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Voting & Elections 02.7.2018

Interviews with CCNM’s Viki Harrison & Heather Ferguson on Legislative Agenda

Common Cause New Mexico continues to push democracy reforms as the session hits the midway point.

Voting & Elections 02.5.2018

Only 11 days left! Time to make your voice heard!

Common Cause New Mexico is working to pass Fix It America, a revolutionary solution to curb money in politics and end gerrymandering!

Voting & Elections 01.30.2018

Legislative Update!

Common Cause New Mexico continues to advance good-government legislation in the 2018 session.

Voting & Elections 01.28.2018

HJM 10 “Pass Fix It America” passes House Judiciary Committee 8-3!

Common Cause priority legislation advances to the House Floor!

Voting & Elections 01.26.2018

HJM 10 “Pass Fix It America” coming up tomorrow in House Judiciary Committee!

Common Cause New Mexico is supporting Fix It America and needs your help to advance it through committee.

Voting & Elections 01.25.2018

CCNM priority legislation HJM 10 makes national news and is now scheduled for its first hearing THIS FRIDAY!

Common Cause New Mexico supports the Fix It America Constitutional Amendment being heard this Friday

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