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Voting & Elections 02.3.2015

Poll Shows Overwhelming Support of Campaign Finance and Ethics Reforms

Common Cause New Mexico statewide poll results show that voters overwhelmingly support campaign finance and ethics reforms in the 2015 session

Money & Influence 01.30.2015

Rivers of Money Flowing in NM Politics

Common Cause New Mexico examines a recent report of the top donors to the 2014 elections, and how better disclosure laws will level the playing field for small donors

Money & Influence 01.28.2015

The Session Gets Rollin'

Common Cause New Mexico attends the new committee orientations and Senator Peter Wirth speaks out about campaign finance reform.

Voting & Elections 01.24.2015

The Week One Legislative Wrap Up

Common Cause New Mexico Summarizes the Events of the First Week of the 2015 NM Legislative Session

Voting & Elections 01.22.2015

Second-day Session Shake-up

Common Cause New Mexico reports on the new House committees, and Executive Director Viki Harrison is interviewed about the impact of Citizens United.

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