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Modernizing the Legislature to be discussed during this year’s session

Our state originally intended to have a citizen-led legislature, but in modern times, an unpaid, voluntary legislature has had the opposite effect -- with ordinary New Mexicans unable to afford to serve. Having an unpaid legislature “may have worked over 100 years ago during the creation of our state when we were horse-and-buggy but in our modern day, we need to have a paid legislature because right now really the only people who can afford to legislate and participate in the legislative process are often individuals who are retired or independently wealthy,” Mario Jimenez III said.

Common Cause New Mexico Outlines Good Government Priorities for 2023 Session

Modernizing the legislative process, with more staff, longer sessions and compensation for legislators is the top priority for Common Cause in the upcoming 60-day NM Legislative session.

Money & Influence 01.12.2023

CCNM 2022 Polling Report

The results of our annual survey with Research & Polling show appetite for more professional legislature and better disclosure.

Money & Influence 01.5.2023

UNM Study of Legislative Process Ranks NM Near Bottom in Professionalism

A new study by the University of New Mexico suggests longer legislative sessions, salaries and more staff


UNM Report on Legislative Professionalism for the State of New Mexico

UNM Study of Legislative Process Ranks NM Near Bottom in Professionalism; Suggests Longer Sessions, Salaries and More Staff

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