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Money & Influence 01.29.2019

TWO More CCNM Priority Bills Clear Their First Committees!

TWO CCNM priority bills passed their first Senate committees yesterday.

Strong Ethics Commission, Automatic Voter Registration, Campaign Disclosure Are Among Common Cause New Mexico’s 2019 Legislative Priorities

Common Cause New Mexico today announced its priorities for the 2019 legislative session.

Money & Influence 05.5.2018

Bring Democracy Dollars to the Duke City

What if ABQ could take our elections out of the hands of big special interests and put them in the hands of the people? Everyday Albuquerqueans would be heard and have a real say in the government decisions affecting our lives. And people like us might even have a chance to run for office, and win!

Voting & Elections 02.14.2018

Big Win on a Tuesday Night

Common Cause New Mexico supports Fix It America, which is now heading back to the House for concurrence after passing the Senate!

Voting & Elections 02.12.2018

Just THREE days left in the 2018 New Mexico Legislative session

Common Cause priority legislation, HJM 10 “Pass Fix It America,” is on the agenda for the Senate Rules Committee on Monday, February 12th at 9:00 am

Voting & Elections 02.8.2018

Seven days left in the 2018 New Mexico Legislative session

Common Cause New Mexico celebrates the passage of HJM 10 Fix It America in the House.

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