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Money & Influence 03.3.2015

Poll: New Mexico Business Leaders Support Campaign Finance and Transparency Reform

Common Cause New Mexico supported reforms are in line with new poll of New Mexico business leaders

Money & Influence 03.3.2015

Attorney General Hector Balderas to Support Campaign Finance Disclosure Bill

Common Cause New Mexico backed legislation to improve campaign finance disclosure supported by Attorney General Balderas

Money & Influence 02.14.2015

Better Disclosure Needed in Elections

Common Cause New Mexico's partner organization, the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government's executive director writes in support of disclosure

Money & Influence 02.14.2015

Pledge targets influence of money in politics

Common Cause New Mexico supporters weigh in on the importance of disclosure

Money & Influence 02.13.2015

Rep. Jeff Steinborn’s Bill to Improve Lobbyist Disclosure Goes to House Committee Monday Feb. 9

Common Cause New Mexico priority legislation to improve lobbyist disclose goes to committee

Money & Influence 02.13.2015

Rep. Jim Smith and Sen. Peter Wirth Introduce Bills to Make Political Campaigns Transparent

Common Cause New Mexico works with lawmakers to introduce transparency measures

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