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Common Cause New Mexico Outlines Good Government Priorities for 2023 Session

Modernizing the legislative process, with more staff, longer sessions and compensation for legislators is the top priority for Common Cause in the upcoming 60-day NM Legislative session.


Common Cause New Mexico “Denounces Violence Directed Toward Public Servants”

Common Cause New Mexico unequivocally denounces all violence directed toward public servants and is dedicated to increasing protections for those who work to serve the public and uphold the democratic system that serves us all.

Money & Influence 01.5.2023

UNM Study of Legislative Process Ranks NM Near Bottom in Professionalism

A new study by the University of New Mexico suggests longer legislative sessions, salaries and more staff

Voting & Elections 11.8.2022

Common Cause New Mexico Reminds Voters “Election Night is not Results Night”

New Mexico voters have until 7 p.m. tonight to cast a ballot in person or to hand return their absentee ballot to a polling location or county clerk's office for the 2022 midterm election. As voters head to the polls, Common Cause New Mexico is reminding voters that it may take days for election officials to finalize results.

Voting & Elections 09.23.2022

Common Cause NM Seeking a Few Good Citizens to Defend Democracy

Common Cause, Statewide Coalition Recruiting Volunteers for Non-partisan Election Monitoring Program


Couy Griffin Ruling: Elected Officials Can’t Just “Snub Noses at Constitution”

Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin was removed from office for his role in an insurrection, a Santa Fe court has ruled. The ruling, which came after a two-day bench trial in August, also precludes him from running for office in the future.

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