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Voting & Elections 07.20.2020

Native Americans faced difficulties voting in primary

Many members of the Acoma Pueblo and other tribes across the state faced significant barriers when trying to vote during the 2020 primary.

Voting & Elections 06.24.2020

COVID-19 Response: The Special Universe Of This Legislative Session

Amber Carrillo from Common Cause New Mexico reminds us why temporary changes to voting procedures are important for Indigenous communities during the pandemic, and the challenging decision by tribal administration to limit or cut polling locations during the primary.

Voting & Elections 06.24.2020

New Mexico Common Cause Director Speaks To League Of Women Voters On Primary Election Issues

Heather Ferguson, executive director for Common Cause New Mexico was the guest speaker at the League of Women Voters virtual Lunch with a Leader Jun. 16.

Voting & Elections 06.12.2020

Changes to election law needed before November

For the past three months, given the COVID-19 public health emergency, Common Cause New Mexico, along with many other community groups, has been encouraging, reminding and instructing voters how to make their voices heard through absentee voting.

Voting & Elections 06.1.2020

During pandemic, NM voters pick fall matchups

Even with the pandemic dominating the news, there are signs of strong voter engagement this year, said Heather Ferguson, executive director of Common Cause New Mexico. About 155,000 voters, for example, had returned absentee ballots through Friday morning, or about seven times more than in the 2016 primary.

Former public servants lobby ex-colleagues

Common Cause New Mexico surveys have shown overwhelming support to close the 'Revolving Door' from legislator to lobbyist.

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