Toast to your vote at Ballots and Beers on October 8!   Ballots & Beers


Ranked Choice Voting

New Mexicans deserve fair elections that represent the will of the voters. Ranked Choice Voting promotes positive, inclusive and fair elections, which encourages a diversity of candidates and saves money by eliminating the need for run-off elections.

We can have elections that give everyone a meaningful vote.

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a simple electoral reform that ensures fair and efficient elections. In a traditional election, the candidate with the most votes wins, even if they do not receive a majority of the votes.

This means voters often feel disengaged and are left to choose between the “lesser of two evils,” or vote for the candidate they feel has the best chance of winning, rather than supporting their favorite candidates.

RCV promotes positive, inclusive and fair elections, which encourages a diversity of candidates and saves money by eliminating the need for run-off elections.

How RCV Works

With RCV, voters rank candidates from favorite to least favorite. On Election Night, first choice votes are counted to determine who voters like the best. If a candidate receives a majority of votes, they win. If no candidate receives a majority, the candidate with the fewest first-choice rankings is eliminated. If your favorite candidate is eliminated, your vote is instantly counted for your next choice. This repeats until one candidate reaches a majority and wins. 


In RCV elections, you always get to vote for your favorite candidate, even if they don’t have a good chance of winning. If your favorite candidate gets eliminated, then your vote immediately counts for your next choice. You can truly vote your conscience without worrying about wasting your vote. Ranking your second, third, and fourth choices will never hurt your favorite candidate. It simply amplifies your voice in the process.

RCV Increases Voter Turnout

Cities that have RCV elections, now including Santa Fe and Las Cruces, have seen a steady increase in voter turnout. When voters feel their vote will matter, they turn out in greater numbers.

RCV Fosters Civil Elections

In RCV elections, candidates often need 2nd and 3rd choice votes to win a majority of the vote. As such, they will ask for your first choice vote, but if another candidate is your favorite, they will also ask for your second and third choices. Candidates are not likely to get your second or third choice vote if they have been engaging in negative “mudslinging” personal attacks against your favorite candidate.


With RCV, you don’t need to show up to vote twice in the event of a runoff. Instead, you get an immediate majority winner in a single, higher-turnout election. This saves money by preventing the need to run a second election.

Let's Enact RCV in New Mexico!

Tell lawmakers that we want Ranked Choice Voting for fair, efficient elections!

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.


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Democracy Candidate Survey 2024

An educational survey of candidates in New Mexico on pro-democracy issues was conducted by Common Cause New Mexico, New Mexico Open Elections, Fair Districts for New Mexico, and New Mexico First.




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