
Modernizing the NM Legislature

We deserve an effective, responsive, and reflective state legislature with adequate resources to serve the people of New Mexico.
Inside the Roundhouse Rotunda.

You shouldn’t have to be rich to serve in public office. But right now, New Mexico has the only remaining unsalaried legislature in the nation. The current framework no longer serves our state well. The complex issues we face now require a vibrant, diverse body with the tools and time necessary to find the right solutions for New Mexico. The reality is that our unsalaried legislature restricts who can afford to serve as an elected official and limits the legislature’s effectiveness.


We need a legislature that looks like our state and understands the needs of our people. Currently it’s primarily wealthy or retired candidates who can afford to mount a campaign and have the time off and means to serve in an unpaid post. We need better supports for New Mexicans from all walks of life who want to represent their communities as legislators.

Furthermore, New Mexico’s 30-day and 60-day sessions are among the shortest legislative sessions in the U.S. This results in debates that are curtailed and cut short in many instances. Worse yet, some of the priority legislation undertaken every year stalls simply because time runs out to advance the bills. If New Mexico is to keep pace with the rest of America, we need to allocate adequate time to write, debate and pass new laws.

Additionally, lawmakers in New Mexico do not have year-round staff or district office space. This represents a huge deficit. Legislators are limited in their abilities to fully research complex issues and cannot serve their constituents effectively. With a lack of trained, permanent office staff, legislators are left to rely on the expertise of professional lobbyists, who can then exert undue influence.

We can fix this by :

  • Fairly compensating legislators
  • Extending the length of sessions
  • Providing legislators paid staff and office space

Reports and Resources:

Editorials and News Stories:

A modern New Mexico Legislature will afford our state the opportunity to grow and thrive. We deserve elected officials who are reflective of our communities and who work as hard as we do with the necessary time and resources to tackle complex problems and find solutions to improve the lives of all New Mexicans.

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