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Voting & Elections 04.29.2016

New York Advocates Call for Evaluation of Board of Election Practices in Light of Massive Voter Disenfranchisement

On the steps of City Hall in Manhattan today, dozens of advocates gathered to decry the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of voters in New York's primary elections held on Tuesday, April 19th.

Voting & Elections 04.19.2016

Common Cause New York Statement on New York's Closed Shut Primary Election

Common Cause New York statement regarding New York's closed-shut primary and its resulting issues.

Ethics 03.18.2016

Common Cause New York Statement on Dutchess County Jail Bond Issue

Common Cause New York issued statement regarding the proposed Dutchess County bond issue to fund the construction of a new large county jail.

Ethics 03.17.2016

Common Cause New York Reacts to Report that Mayor Will Shut Down Campaign for One New York

In response to a news report that the Mayor will shut down the Campaign for One New York, Common Cause New York Executive Director Susan Lerner issued the following statement

Ethics 02.29.2016

Common Cause/New York Requests Conflicts of Interest Board and the Campaign Finance Board Review of Mayor de Blasio's Fundraising

Today Common Cause/New York sent a letter addressed to the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) and the Campaign Finance Board (CFB) calling for a review of Mayor Bill de Blasio's use of 501(c)4 entities to raise money: the Campaign for One New York and United for Affordable NYC.

Money & Influence 02.22.2016

Common Cause/New York Releases Muckraking Monday on Senator Mike Ranzenhofer

The first briefing focuses on contributions to Senator Mike Ranzenhofer via the LLC loophole from 2005-2015. The LLC loophole was a central issue in the corruption cases against Dean Skelos and Sheldon Silver who both accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from New York City based Glenwood Management, in return for preferential treatment. New York State law treats LLCs as individuals, as opposed to corporations, subject to the much higher contribution limit. As a result wealthy interests use it to circumvent the campaign finance laws to influence lawmakers and seek favorable policies.

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