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Voting & Elections 03.18.2020

Common Cause/NY Calls to Consolidate Brooklyn Special Election w/ June 23rd Primaries for Legislature and Congress

"We applaud Governor Cuomo for taking swift action to lower the petition signature requirement for candidates in New York. However, there is some confusion over whether or not those same requirements apply to the special election race in NYC Council District 37 scheduled for April 28..."

Voting & Elections 03.16.2020

Common Cause/NY Calls to Consolidate April Primaries on June 23rd in light of COVID-19

We urge the Governor and lawmakers to consolidate the presidential primary and other relevant special elections with the June 23rd legislative and congressional primary. Generally we believe that elections should not be postponed, however, the current circumstances require extraordinary measures. Consolidating the primaries is a prudent public health measure that does not undermine our democracy, and frees up much needed funding for more immediate public health needs.

Money & Influence 03.16.2020

Good Gov’t Groups to NYS Lawmakers: “Keep Policy Out of the Budget”

"...We are all agreed on a unified and focused fiscal response to the health crisis facing our state, providing the necessary funds as part of the budget so that all levels of government can respond aggressively to the public health threat presented by COVID-19. Lawmakers must remain focused on that goal alone, and not try to cram through unrelated policy issues as part of the budget. ..."

Voting & Elections 01.15.2020

NY Judge Issues Landmark Ruling Affecting More than a Million New York Voters in Advance of April 2020

Judge orders that all inactive voters' names must be included on lists maintained at all New York polling places after finding that voters' rights were violated.

Voters in Syracuse Will Decide on Independent Redistricting Commission Proposal

The Syracuse Common Council yesterday took historic action toward creating an independent redistricting commission to draw districts for the City of Syracuse. The Common Council voted 7-1 in favor of a charter amendment that will require future redistricting to be done by an independent redistricting commission that includes members of both parties and safeguards against conflicts of interest from the members of the commission.

Common Cause/NY and Advocates Call for Public Hearings on Sexual Harassment

Strong sexual harassment legislation requires input from experts, advocates, and those who have experienced sexual harassment themselves. New York State has not held a public hearing on sexual harassment since 1992.

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