
Υψηλές βαθμολογίες για τη Νέα Υόρκη στο 2024 του Common Cause's Democracy Scorecard

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Υψηλές βαθμολογίες για τη Νέα Υόρκη στο 2024 του Common Cause's Democracy Scorecard

«Η Κάρτα Βαθμολογίας για τη Δημοκρατία του 2024 δίνει στους ψηφοφόρους τη δυνατότητα να θέσουν τους ηγέτες τους στην Ουάσιγκτον υπόλογους για μια κυβέρνηση που λειτουργεί για όλους».

Επαφές πολυμέσων

Αλέξις Γκρένελ




240 Αποτελέσματα

διά μέσου

Επαναφορά φίλτρων



240 Αποτελέσματα

διά μέσου

Επαναφορά φίλτρων

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“We need them to do the people’s business, and we’re sure they can use the tools to do it,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause/NY... Common Cause – joined this week by elections commissioners across the state – also called for the expansion of absentee voting as a safety measure during the pandemic, something Lerner noted could be taken up in a post-budget “virtual” legislative session. And though Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo did it through executive order Wednesday for the June 23 primary, there's no reason voting...

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“Now that the budget is finalized, New York lawmakers can and must address the myriad policy issues and COVID-19 related legislation, including expanding absentee voting which is crucial to ensuring the success of our elections in June and November,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York.

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“We need to have diverse voices heard in these policy decisions,” said Common Cause New York’s Susan Lerner. “Our representative system is geographically based, with the idea that different communities have different needs and therefore are individually represented with elected officials who can best articulate what their community needs.”

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Now, with the budget process over, some advocacy groups argue that setting up a system to allow lawmakers to actually vote remotely or electronically is crucial to ensuring that they continue to legislate throughout the pandemic. “I don’t think it’s an ‘either or,’ I think the system has to be set up,” Susan Lerner, executive director of the good government group Common Cause New York, told City & State when asked whether the Legislature should move to actual remote voting for the rest of session. “We are paying them to be...

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“Lawmakers can and must address the myriad policy issues and COVID-19 related legislation, including expanding absentee voting which is crucial to ensuring the success of our elections in June and November,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause/NY, a government watchdog group.

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“It’s a totally opaque, not transparent, not sufficiently open and collaborative process to begin with, and it’s even more so now,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of the good government group Common Cause New York. “In virtually every way possible, the individual representatives are cut out of this process, which is three leaders in a room, and now it’s even more locked down than usual.” Lerner said that lawmakers should continue voting on critical issues like election safety and security and rent after the budget is...

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Common Cause NY points out that other states like Pennsylvania, are holding public meetings, hearings, and voting remotely as of last week. “The Legislature is a co-equal branch of government that cannot cede its role to the Executive [Branch], which is correctly triaging the current state of emergency,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause NY. “While the governor is figuring out how to get 40,000 ventilators, and literally keep New York alive, lawmakers need to look beyond the rapidly evolving crisis, and help plan...

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Susan Lerner of the good government group Common Cause NY says the legislature is a co-equal branch of government and cannot cede its responsibility to the governor by leaving town (figuratively speaking) after the budget. Furthermore, she says any claim that lawmakers can’t do their job because of technology is rubbish.

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Common Cause New York, a voting rights group, had called on Gov. Cuomo and state officials to consolidate the primary, contending that officials have made it clear that they won’t have the bandwidth to conduct an entirely absentee election by late April. “We don't have the infrastructure in place to do it quite frankly, so that's anything from having enough paper to print all the ballots, to making sure that we have prepaid postage, to make sure folks can return their ballot. It's a lot of smaller logistical decisions and preparations that...

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Common Cause/NY Executive Director Susan Lerner applauded the move. "Consolidating the presidential primary to June 23rd is the right move to protect voters' health and free up much needed funding for more immediate public health needs. We applaud Governor Cuomo for taking this step. Next, New York lawmakers must expand absentee voting to ensure all voters can exercise their right to vote -- no matter the situation," Lerner said in a release. Common Cause suggests Boards of Elections immediately inform voters of the move in primary date to...

Εκλεγμένοι της Νέας Υόρκης, Επίτροποι εκλογών + CC/NY Κάλεσμα για επέκταση της ψηφοφορίας απόντων + Ενοποίηση της Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκλογής Εν μέσω του COVID-19

Δελτίο Τύπου

Εκλεγμένοι της Νέας Υόρκης, Επίτροποι εκλογών + CC/NY Κάλεσμα για επέκταση της ψηφοφορίας απόντων + Ενοποίηση της Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκλογής Εν μέσω του COVID-19

Σήμερα, η πολιτειακή γερουσιαστής Alessandra Biaggi, το μέλος της συνέλευσης Yuh-Line Niou, ο συμπρόεδρος του εκλογικού συμβουλίου της πολιτείας της Νέας Υόρκης Douglas A. Kellner, ο επίτροπος Δημοκρατικών Εκλογών της Κομητείας Onondaga, Dustin Czarny και η Susan Lerner του Common Cause/NY ενώθηκαν για να παροτρύνουν τους νομοθέτες της Νέας Υόρκης να επεκταθεί η ψηφοφορία απουσιών στη Νέα Υόρκη, καθώς και να ενοποιηθούν οι προκριματικές εκλογές και οι έκτακτες εκλογές για τις προεδρικές εκλογές και τα χωριά της 28ης Απριλίου, στις προκριματικές εκλογές του νομοθετικού και του Κογκρέσου στις 23 Ιουνίου...

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Executive Director of Common Cause N.Y., Susan Lerner says there are steps the state can take in order to make sure every voter who wants to vote is given the opportunity to, despite the coronavirus health emergency. Lerner says a move to have New Yorkers vote by mail could mean hundreds of thousands of them won’t get the chance to vote because of voter roll inadequacies. She says the state should move to make absentee ballots readily available to anyone who wants one.


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