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Common Cause/NY Statement on Additional Rep. Santos Indictment: He Still Must Resign

"As we said after the Eastern District of New York appropriately indicted Mr. Santos in May: he must resign. It's been clear for a long time that the voters have been defrauded, and Mr. Santos' seat in Congress is tantamount to an ill gotten gain: he should not be allowed to profit from the fruits of his deception. Voters deserve a representative who doesn't lie and deceive their way into power, and unfortunately they have waited too long for Mr. Santos to do the right thing and resign."

In response to breaking news that the Eastern District of New York has indicted Rep. George Santos on new, additional charges, including wire fraud, identity theft, falsifying records, and making false statements to the FEC, Susan Lerner, Executive DIrector of Common Cause/NY put out the following statement:

“As we said after the Eastern District of New York appropriately indicted Mr. Santos in May: he must resign. It’s been clear for a long time that the voters have been defrauded, and Mr. Santos’ seat in Congress is tantamount to an ill gotten gain: he should not be allowed to profit from the fruits of his deception. Voters deserve a representative who doesn’t lie and deceive their way into power, and unfortunately they have waited too long for Mr. Santos to do the right thing and resign.”


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