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Common Cause/NY applaude il voto del comitato giudiziario dell'Assemblea per abrogare la Convenzione costituzionale

"Common Cause/NY applaude l'Assembly Judiciary Committee per aver approvato la risoluzione che abrogherà una richiesta vecchia di secoli per una convenzione costituzionale federale. Gli estremisti vogliono tenere una convenzione costituzionale perché vogliono limitare il governo federale e ridurre i diritti civili, del lavoro, riproduttivi ed educativi. Il voto di oggi è un passo avanti per assicurarsi che ciò non accada."

On May 16th, the New York State Assembly Judiciary Committee passed a resolution that would repeal prior applications that counted New York in for an Article V federal constitutional convention to alter the US constitution. In response, Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY issued the following statement:

“Common Cause/NY applauds the Assembly Judiciary Committee for passing the resolution that will repeal an centuries-old call for a federal constitutional convention. Extremists want to hold a constitutional convention because they want to curtail the federal government and roll back civil, labor, reproductive, and educational rights. Today’s vote is one step closer to making sure that doesn’t happen.”

By counting old “general calls” for Article V conventions still on the books in states like New York, pro-convention extremists believe that they can reach the threshold of 34 states (they already have 29) to hold the convention. Legislation introduced by Senator Krueger and Assembly Member Zebrowski would remove New York’s aged calls and count NY out as one of the states calling for a convention. New Mexico, Maryland, Nevada, and Delaware have already passed similar resolutions. Although the bill passed the Senate last year, it has yet to pass the Assembly and Senate this session.


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