
Contatti per i media

Alexis Grenell




240 Risultati


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240 Risultati


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Common Cause/NY Calls For Justice for Jordan Neely

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Common Cause/NY Calls For Justice for Jordan Neely

"Equal application of the law is a fundamental tenet of democracy, one that District Attorney Bragg has exemplified. We urge the D.A. to make no exception now in the case of Jordan Neely – a confirmed homicide by the coroner – and arrest and charge Penny accordingly. We call on our elected officials to condemn citizens taking the law into their own hands."

Common Cause/NY Statement on Rep. Santos Indictment

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Common Cause/NY Statement on Rep. Santos Indictment

"Mr. Santos' breathtaking scope of lies has left his constituents -- and all New Yorkers -- gasping for air and calling for accountability. Now that the Eastern District of New York has appropriately indicted him, Mr. Santos should resign. It's been clear for a long time that the voters have been defrauded, and Mr. Santos' seat in Congress is tantamount to an ill gotten gain: he should not be allowed to profit from the fruits of his deception. Voters deserve a representative who doesn't lie and deceive their way into power, and unfortunately...

I legislatori, lasciate che NY Voti per il pacchetto sui diritti di voto nei giorni rimanenti della sessione

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I legislatori, lasciate che NY Voti per il pacchetto sui diritti di voto nei giorni rimanenti della sessione

"I legislatori hanno un'opportunità storica di approvare una legge che avrà un impatto diretto sulla vita degli elettori. Dall'estensione del voto in assenza al consentire cibo e acqua alle linee di voto, New York ha una vera possibilità di guidare e proteggere gli elettori. Non vediamo l'ora di lavorare con i legislatori per far approvare queste leggi e poi con la Commissione elettorale per implementare queste riforme attese da tempo in tempo per le elezioni critiche del 2024".

Watchdog Groups: Cuomo’s Lawsuit is a Sham, Ethics Commission Should Do its Job

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Watchdog Groups: Cuomo’s Lawsuit is a Sham, Ethics Commission Should Do its Job

"We have fought for years to establish an independent ethics commission, one that is not under the thumb of the governor or any of the state's elected leaders. Sadly, we have seen what happens when an ethics watchdog is on the leash of the governor. The former governor's lawsuit to gut the new Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (COELIG) is nothing more than a disingenuous move for attention while he faces an impending ruling over his book deal. We hope that the court, like us, sees the wisdom in having an ethics agency that is...

Good Govt Groups: Told You So! NY Needs Citizen Led Redistricting NOW

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Good Govt Groups: Told You So! NY Needs Citizen Led Redistricting NOW

"The Assembly maps drawn by the Independent Redistricting Commission are almost identical to the maps drawn by the Assembly already in place – showing that this whole process was a waste of New Yorkers' time and money. New Yorkers deserve non-partisan maps not drawn by politicians who have their own stake in the outcome. We have long maintained that people, not politicians, should decide what the maps look like. If New York lawmakers want to respond to voters' desire that this chaos never happens again, they must advance an amendment that...

Common Cause/NY Pushes for Details on Hochul’s 2M State of the State

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Common Cause/NY Pushes for Details on Hochul’s 2M State of the State

"Common Cause/NY was surprised to read in the New York Times that the Governor spent $2M on outside consultants to help craft the State of State. New Yorkers deserve to know what they got for that seven figure expenditure of their tax dollars. The creeping privatization of government is an ongoing concern that Common Cause/NY has expressed repeatedly – specifically as it relates to the drain of talent away from public service – and we plan to FOIL the Comptroller for the contracts to further understand what New Yorkers paid for. It is...

Common Cause/NY Responds to Proposed NYS Court Changes: “This is Not Reform”

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Common Cause/NY Responds to Proposed NYS Court Changes: “This is Not Reform”

"Independent courts are the last defense against fascism. Placing them under even more direct political control than they already are in New York undercuts our democracy and eliminates checks and balances. Addressing the very real need for court reform demands extensive public discussion leading to a thoughtful, nuanced approach enacted through a formal process with sufficient notice."

Common Cause/NY & Citizens Crime Commission Condemn U.S. House Attack on Democracy and Rule of Law in New York

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Common Cause/NY & Citizens Crime Commission Condemn U.S. House Attack on Democracy and Rule of Law in New York

"It is an unprecedented and gross abuse of power for the United States House of Representatives to even contemplate interfering in a criminal proceeding by threatening to direct a duly elected, sitting District Attorney in front of a House Committee for questioning. Congress has no jurisdiction over criminal matters in New York. The Manhattan District Attorney is exercising his proper authority to pursue the facts wherever they may lead, without fear or favor. Maintaining the independence of the Office of the District Attorney is integral to...

Common Cause/NY: gli elettori meritano risposte sul denaro non controllato

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Common Cause/NY: gli elettori meritano risposte sul denaro non controllato

"I resoconti del Buffalo News and Times Union di oggi dimostrano una tendenza in corso e preoccupante di denaro non resoconto in politica. Gli elettori meritano trasparenza, non la litania di elusioni al loro diritto di sapere chi sostiene le campagne e i materiali della campagna. I newyorkesi non dovrebbero tollerare le schivate timide dei leader del partito e delle persone che gestiscono American Opportunity; meritano delle risposte."

Common Cause/NY Responds to News that Gov May Sue the Senate Over LaSalle

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Common Cause/NY Responds to News that Gov May Sue the Senate Over LaSalle

"Common Cause/NY is horrified to learn that Governor Hochul is contemplating hiring a litigator at taxpayer expense to violate the Constitutionally protected separation of powers. Make no mistake: doing so would be a total abuse of power, and a brutal attack on a democratically elected institution..."

Common Cause NY: Democracy Takes Time and That’s OK!

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Common Cause NY: Democracy Takes Time and That’s OK!

"Democracy takes time and we're pleased that all votes in Queens are now counted safely and securely through a careful hand counting process. Accurate and fair election results are worth the wait."


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