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Common Cause/NY Calls For Justice for Jordan Neely

"Equal application of the law is a fundamental tenet of democracy, one that District Attorney Bragg has exemplified. We urge the D.A. to make no exception now in the case of Jordan Neely – a confirmed homicide by the coroner – and arrest and charge Penny accordingly. We call on our elected officials to condemn citizens taking the law into their own hands."

On May 10th, in response to Daniel Penny killing Jordan Neely on the subway last week, Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY, put out the following statement:

“Equal application of the law is a fundamental tenet of democracy, one that District Attorney Bragg has exemplified. We urge the D.A. to make no exception now in the case of Jordan Neely – a confirmed homicide by the coroner – and arrest and charge Penny accordingly. We call on our elected officials to condemn citizens taking the law into their own hands.”


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