보도 자료

뉴욕 투표, 선출직, 전국 투표권 단체, NYSBOE에 결함 있는 투표기 인증 중단을 요구

"뉴욕주 선거관리위원회는 안전하지 않은 투표 기계인 ExpressVote XL의 인증을 거부해야 합니다. 유권자가 표시한 종이 투표지(뉴욕이 현재 사용 중)는 선거 보안의 황금 표준입니다. 우리는 납세자의 돈을 다른 어떤 것에도 써서는 안 됩니다. 다음으로, 의원들은 ExpressVote XL과 같은 하이브리드 기계를 영구히 금지하는 법안을 통과시켜야 합니다."

On July 31st, days before the New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE) is set to certify the ExpressVote XL, Let NY Vote coalition and national groups wrote two letters to the NYSBOE demanding they reject the certification of the touch screen voting machine that would allow voters to mark their ballot electronically instead of on the traditional voter-marked paper ballots. The NYSBOE is expected to hear public comments on the machine on Wednesday and then vote to either certify or reject them after.

여기에서 편지를 읽어보세요.

Cyber security election experts almost universally pan the touch screen technology, so much so that most states have switched back to voter-marked paper ballots. The ExpressVote XL, which uses Windows 10, is also about to become even less secure as Microsoft will end software updates in two years.

“The New York State Board of Elections must reject the certification of the insecure voting machine, ExpressVote XL. Paper ballots marked by the voter — which New York currently uses — is the election security gold standard. We should not be spending taxpayer dollars on anything else. Next, lawmakers must pass legislation that bans hybrid machines like the ExpressVote XL for good,” said Sarah Goff, Deputy Director of Common Cause/NY.

“The Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College has long supported paper ballots in New York as part of our fight to make voting more accessible, particularly for vulnerable and marginalized communities in the state,” said Lurie Daniel Favors, Esq., Executive Director at the racial justice law center. “Election experts consider this system the gold standard in election security. This method is highly recommended by security and auditing experts, is cost-effective, and reduces wait times. Right now, New York elections are at a critical juncture with the advent of all-in-one and universal-use voting machines, threatening its traditional pen-and-paper voting system. New York is poised to approve Ballot Marking Devices like ExpressVote XL, potentially presenting security risks, unnecessary expenses, and extended waiting times for voters. We urge the New York State Board of Elections to refuse the certification of ExpressVote XL and prioritize maintaining the ‘gold standard’ of election security for New York voters.”

Senator Cleare and Assembly Member Cunningham both sponsor a 청구서 – the Voting Integrity and Voter Verification (VIVA) – in their respective houses that would guarantee the use of voter verifiable paper ballots in elections. VIVA passed in the Senate, but not the Assembly this term. VIVA would have prevented New York from certifying machines like the ExpressVote XL.

“I was so proud to pass VIVA-NY in the Senate this year because individual, voter-verifiable paper ballots that allow voters to cast their votes privately and independently are the tried and true way to secure our democracy. In an era where technology like Chat GPT, Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputers are the norm, it is more important than ever that the processes we use to vote have integrity and are not corruptible. VIVA-NY will ensure that individual votes are not only counted, but counted accurately, in accordance with the actual preference of the voter; that makes VIVA-NY the Gold Standard. I encourage the NYS BOE not to take a step backward and certify the faulty ExpressVote XL. I encourage the NYS BOE to refrain from approving any machine that does not meet the VIVA-NY Standard,” said Senator Cordell Cleare.

“New York State has laws and requirements in place to ensure voting system security and they must be adhered to. The ES&S ExpressVote XL fails on multiple fronts to meet NY’s standards and therefore it should not be certified. Waiving New York State requirements based on the deeply flawed presumption that bad actors cannot and will not be able to gain access to the voting system is recklessly naive and ignores several real world incidents of bad actors accessing voting equipment. Over the past few years there have been multiple cases of allies of Donald Trump – who are intent on disrupting elections – improperly and unlawfully accessing voting systems. We cannot ignore the threat this presents. New York should maintain its high standards and not certify the ExpressVote XL,” said Susan Greenhalgh, Senior Advisor on Election Security for Free Speech For People.

Common Cause/NY는 2020년에 "ExpressVote XL: 뉴욕 선거에 나쁨.” Common Cause는 뉴욕이 ExpressVote XL을 구매해서는 안 된다고 주장합니다. 그 이유는 다음과 같습니다.

  • 사이버 공격 및 하드웨어 오류에 취약
    • ExpressVote XL 기계는 안전한 종이 기록을 사용하지 않아 결과를 해킹하기 쉽습니다. 최근 연구에 따르면, 투표자의 40%만이 제출 후 투표지의 정확성을 검토했고, 약 7%만이 문제가 있는 경우 투표 관리자에게 알렸습니다. 이 연구에 따르면 해커는 누구에게도 눈치채이지 않고 1% 또는 2%의 투표 결과를 쉽게 변경할 수 있다는 결론이 나왔습니다.
    • 투표용지 표시 장치를 사용하는 14개 주는 단계적으로 이를 폐지하기 시작했습니다.
    • 터치스크린이 오작동하여 유권자들이 긴 줄을 설 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 펜실베이니아에서는 약 30%의 기계가 유권자들이 일부 후보자의 이름만 선택할 수 있도록 허용했고, 다른 후보자의 이름은 선택할 수 없었습니다.
  • 투표 수를 잘못 집계하는 경향이 있음
    • 펜실베이니아주에서 실시된 한 경선에서는 한 후보가 선거 당일 164표를 얻은 것으로 기록되었지만, 수작업 재검표 후 같은 후보가 26,000표 이상을 득표하여 승리했습니다.
  • 값비싼
    • ExpressVote XL은 단위당 약 $10,000입니다. 이는 다른 투표 기계보다 훨씬 비쌉니다. 또한 기계를 보관하고 운반하는 데 더 많은 비용이 듭니다.


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