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Media & Democracy 07.29.2014

Controversial Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger To Be Examined at New York PSC Hearing

If Comcast and Time Warner Cable are allowed to merge, consumers can expect higher prices, fewer choices, and even worse customer service, according to groups opposing the deal. The controversial merger is the subject of Public Service Commission (PSC) hearings in New York this week.

Ethics 07.23.2014

Common Cause/NY Statement in response to NYT - Cuomo's Office Hobbled State Ethics Inquiries

Common Cause/NY Statement in response to NYT - Cuomo's Office Hobbled State Ethics Inquiries


Broad Alliance of New York Area Groups Highlights Diversity on 9/11 Anniversary with Online Virtual Vigil


1,000 Expected at Concert and Vigil to Commemorate September 11th Anniversary, Celebrate New York's Diversity


Demographic Change More Important than Prison Population

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