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Voting & Elections 12.6.2018

End voter suppression? New York is a good place to start

"New York, unfortunately, has been a leader in the past in voter suppression," said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause/New York, one of the groups pushing the "Let NY Vote" reform package to bring the state out of the electoral dark ages.

Man In Charge Of NYC Board Of Elections Took Trips Paid For By Electronic Ballot Scanner Company

Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause, said that Ryan must go, calling his presence on ES&S's board and acceptance of paid trips an "outrageous conflict of interest."

Voting & Elections 12.4.2018

Agenda 2019: High Hopes for Long-Awaited Reforms

“There is a tremendous amount of demand for democracy reforms,” said Sarah Goff, associate director at Common Cause New York, a government reform advocacy group. “The state Legislature has the unique opportunity, with the dramatic shift in landscape, to prove to voters that they got the message.”

Assembly Speaker Makes Case for Legislative Pay Raise

Common Cause New York Executive Director Susan Lerner wanted a ban on all outside income, but would accept a limitation.

Voting & Elections 11.29.2018

Coalition Looks to Reform Voting in New York

New York is behind 37 states that have forms of early voting in place, but the leader of a state coalition wants to change that. “You are a citizen who has the intelligence to vote; you should be able to decide how and where you want to vote,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, a group that’s working with the Let NY Vote coalition.


‘The voting line was so long that I just got here’: Brooklyn Residents, Officials Talk State Voting Reform

Details from a Brooklyn hearing on Election Day voting problems could help form the basis for state electoral reform. “Once the new election committees are named in both houses, we’ll be sending links from today’s testimony to every member, so they can hear what you’re talking about,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, a progressive watchdog group.

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