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Voting & Elections 08.21.2014

Group challenges New York redistricting plan

Common Cause-New York seeks to reword the referendum, which critics say is misleading and could confuse voters into thinking they're voting for an independent redistricting commission.

Voting & Elections 08.19.2014

Common Cause leads lawsuit against redistricting ballot amendment

Common Cause/NY is leading a lawsuit appealing the state Board of Elections' approved ballot language on the November ballot to establish a redistricting commission.

Voting & Elections 08.19.2014

Lawsuit opposes language of redistricting amendment

Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause NY, is one of four plaintiffs in a lawsuit opposing the language of the ballot proposal that will ask voters if they want to amend the state constitution to overhaul the current redistricting system.

Voting & Elections 08.19.2014

Suit Challenges Misleading Redistricting Amendment Ballot Language

Voters have filed a lawsuit appealing the New York Board of Elections’ approved ballot language for Proposition 1, which concerns amending the state constitution to establish a redistricting commission.

Voting & Elections 08.13.2014

NY redistricting proposal is just more political flim-flammery (Editorial)

In November, New York voters will be asked to pass judgment on a constitutional amendment that changes the way legislative and congressional districts are redrawn every 10 years based on the U.S. Census. The ballot proposition is wonky and complicated and therefore open to manipulation. And manipulated it was.

Media & Democracy 08.12.2014

Common Cause NY Opposes Comcast/Time Warner Cable Mega-Merger

Common Cause New York is urging the state Public Service Commission to reject the proposed merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable, saying it would create a behemoth beyond the control of state regulators, foster higher prices for Internet access and limit data speeds for many customers.

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