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Voting & Elections 07.29.2014

Redistricting advocates call for 'strictly neutral' ballot language

Good government groups proposed ballot language on Thursday for a constitutional amendment on redistricting that will come before voters in November, in an effort to ensure that the phrasing is “strictly neutral and not biased.”

Money & Influence 07.29.2014

Cuomo Defends Panel Advice (Wall Street Journal)

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday defended his administration's treatment of an anti-corruption commission, saying his aides offered advice to investigators but that it operated with "total independence."

Voting & Elections 07.29.2014

Common Cause/NY, NYPIRG & EffectiveNY Propose Redistricting Amendment Ballot Language

Today a coalition of good government groups, environmental and immigrant advocates, and legal organizations urged the New York State Boards of Elections and Attorney General, Eric T. Schneiderman to insure that ballot language for the redistricting amendment, which will appear on the November ballot, is strictly neutral and not biased.

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