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Shkaku i zakonshëm/NY për dëbimin e Santos: "Mirë!"
In response to today’s vote to expel Congress Member George Santos from the House of Representatives, Susan Lerner, Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Common Cause/NY lëshoi deklaratën e mëposhtme:
“Today’s decision to expel Mr. Santos is a win for voters and democracy. Mr. Santos’ deception and likely violation of federal law has been clear for a long time. Voters did not deserve a representative that lied and defrauded his way into Congress. The House Ethics Committee’s diligent bi-partisan report made crystal clear that Mr. Santos is plainly unfit to serve in public office any longer. We commend the New York delegation’s overwhelming bi-partisan vote in favor of expelling Mr. Santos, and all other Representatives who voted to protect the integrity of the House.”