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Alexis Grenell




240 Rezultate


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240 Rezultate


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Kauza e zakonshme/NY mbi vendimin e rindarjes: "Procesi i rindarjes së Nju Jorkut është thyer thelbësisht"

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Kauza e zakonshme/NY mbi vendimin e rindarjes: "Procesi i rindarjes së Nju Jorkut është thyer thelbësisht"

"New York's redistricting process is fundamentally broken, and today's court decision striking down the state's current congressional map does little to fix this process long-term. The only way to prevent future court battles from deciding our representatives is for the Legislature to adopt a permanent fix to redistricting that centers people over politicians. That means lawmakers must prioritize passing a constitutional amendment that creates a truly independent, citizen-led redistricting commission that puts the power in the hands of New...

Elected officials, Common Cause/NY Rally in Support of Santos Inspired Campaign Bill

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Elected officials, Common Cause/NY Rally in Support of Santos Inspired Campaign Bill

"Voters expect – at the very least – the people running to represent them are who they say they are. That's why Senator Liu and Assembly Member Sillitti's newly revised bill is important: it raises the accountability bar for candidates and makes it harder for candidates who lack integrity– like Mr. Santos – to defraud New York voters. We're hopeful lawmakers will pass this bill swiftly come January so no future candidate bamboozles the public again," said Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY.

Common Cause/NY on Santos Expulsion: “Good!”

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Common Cause/NY on Santos Expulsion: “Good!”

"Today's decision to expel Mr. Santos is a win for voters and democracy. Mr. Santos' deception and likely violation of federal law has been clear for a long time. Voters did not deserve a representative that lied and defrauded his way into Congress. The House Ethics Committee's diligent bi-partisan report made crystal clear that Mr. Santos is plainly unfit to serve in public office any longer. We commend the New York delegation's overwhelming bi-partisan vote in favor of expelling Mr. Santos, and all other Representatives who voted to protect...

Common Cause/NY & The Black Institute Sue NYSBOE Over Certification of Flawed Voting Machine

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Common Cause/NY & The Black Institute Sue NYSBOE Over Certification of Flawed Voting Machine

"The certification of the ExpressVote XL – an expensive and below standard voting machine – was a major step backwards for New York, and an exceedingly poor decision ahead of the 2024 presidential election year when election security remains a fraught topic. Paper ballots marked by the voter -- which New York currently uses -- are the preferred election security standard. The court must overturn the Board of Elections' wrong decision to certify the machine before the 2024 election," said Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY.

Common Cause/NY publikon një raport të ri mbi votuesit e palidhur të Nju Jorkut

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Common Cause/NY publikon një raport të ri mbi votuesit e palidhur të Nju Jorkut

On November 20th, Common Cause/NY released a report on the more than 3.1 million politically unaffiliated (also known as "Blank") voters in New York State – a group that is steadily growing as more Americans become disillusioned with the two party system. These voters, who represent 24% of New York's electorate, are politically active but locked out of New York's closed primary process because they are not registered to a political party. The report published today provides a deeper understanding of who New York's unaffiliated voter...

Kauza e përbashkët/NY kërkon që Kongresi të dëbojë George Santos

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Kauza e përbashkët/NY kërkon që Kongresi të dëbojë George Santos

"Today's fact finding bi-partisan report from the House Ethics Committee makes it crystal clear that Mr. Santos is unfit for public office. Recognizing the seriousness of the remedy of expulsion, Common Cause/NY has waited for the process to play out appropriately. Now we and the House of Representatives are left with only one option: Congress must expel Mr. Santos. It's been clear for a long time that the voters have been defrauded, and Mr. Santos' seat in Congress is tantamount to an ill gotten gain: he should not be allowed to profit from...

Votimet janë mbyllur: Ja çfarë më pas për Nju Jorkun

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Votimet janë mbyllur: Ja çfarë më pas për Nju Jorkun

"Today's successful Election Day is in no small part thanks to early voting. Accessibility, not turnout, will always be how we measure the success of early voting, which alleviates the burden on voters and provides election officials with extra time to ensure a seamless voting process," said Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause New York. "While there's no one solution to boosting turnout, we continue to urge Gov. Kathy Hochul to sign legislation that would consolidate local, odd-year elections with the national, even-year...

Është dita e zgjedhjeve! Kauza e përbashkët përshkruan të drejtat dhe pritjet e votuesve për numërimin e votave

Njoftim për shtyp

Është dita e zgjedhjeve! Kauza e përbashkët përshkruan të drejtat dhe pritjet e votuesve për numërimin e votave

"Safe and fair elections are our highest priority, and just like years prior, our nonpartisan election protection team is on the ground to help voters exercise their rights, report illegal activity, and answer any questions. We encourage any New Yorker to approach our volunteers or call 866-OUR-VOTE should they have any questions at all," said Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY. "Democracy takes time and every vote counts. That's why final results will not be available the same day. Accurate and fair election results are worth...

Common Cause/NY nis një program jopartiak për mbrojtjen e zgjedhjeve përpara ditës së zgjedhjeve në NYC

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Common Cause/NY nis një program jopartiak për mbrojtjen e zgjedhjeve përpara ditës së zgjedhjeve në NYC

"Zgjedhjet e sigurta dhe të drejta janë prioriteti ynë më i lartë dhe ashtu si vitet më parë, ekipi ynë jopartiak për mbrojtjen e zgjedhjeve është në terren për të ndihmuar votuesit të ushtrojnë të drejtat e tyre, të raportojnë aktivitetin e paligjshëm dhe t'u përgjigjen çdo pyetjeje," tha Susan Lerner, Drejtore Ekzekutive e Common. Shkaku/NY. "Ne inkurajojmë çdo njujorkez që t'u afrohet vullnetarëve tanë ose të telefonojë 866-VOTO-TONA dhe të dalë nga vota!"

Grupet e të Drejtave të Votimit inkurajojnë banorët e Nju Jorkut që të dalin nga votimi i hershëm

Njoftim për shtyp

Grupet e të Drejtave të Votimit inkurajojnë banorët e Nju Jorkut që të dalin nga votimi i hershëm

"Common Cause New York po inkurajon të gjithë njujorkezët që mund të votojnë të dalin herët dhe të përfitojnë nga Dita e Artë e së shtunës nëse janë votues të rinj që duhet të regjistrohen," tha Susan Lerner, drejtoreshë ekzekutive e Common Cause New York. "Votimi i hershëm është një ndryshim i lojës për njujorkezët, të cilët nuk kanë më nevojë të zgjedhin midis ardhjes në punë ose ushtrimit të të drejtave të tyre demokratike. Tani, le të dalim nga votimi i hershëm!"

Common Cause/NY Statement on Additional Rep. Santos Indictment: He Still Must Resign

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Common Cause/NY Statement on Additional Rep. Santos Indictment: He Still Must Resign

"As we said after the Eastern District of New York appropriately indicted Mr. Santos in May: he must resign. It's been clear for a long time that the voters have been defrauded, and Mr. Santos' seat in Congress is tantamount to an ill gotten gain: he should not be allowed to profit from the fruits of his deception. Voters deserve a representative who doesn't lie and deceive their way into power, and unfortunately they have waited too long for Mr. Santos to do the right thing and resign."


  • Mbylle

    Përshëndetje! Duket sikur po na bashkohesh nga {state}.

    Dëshironi të shihni se çfarë po ndodh në shtetin tuaj?

    Shko te Kauza e Përbashkët {state}