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Alexis Grenell




240 Rezultate


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240 Rezultate


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Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York and founder of the Let NY Vote coalition, agreed that the new northeast Queens sites are “good news.” Still, the advocate is far from satisfied with the BOE’s overall job on rolling out early voting in the borough at large.

Votuesit në Sirakuzë do të vendosin për propozimin e Komisionit të Pavarur të Rindarjes

Njoftim për shtyp

Votuesit në Sirakuzë do të vendosin për propozimin e Komisionit të Pavarur të Rindarjes

Këshilli i Përbashkët i Sirakuzës dje ndërmori veprime historike drejt krijimit të një komisioni të pavarur rindarjes për të tërhequr rrethe për qytetin e Sirakuzës. Këshilli i Përbashkët votoi 7-1 në favor të një amendamenti të statutit që do të kërkojë që rindarja e ardhshme të bëhet nga një komision i pavarur rindarjes që përfshin anëtarë të të dy palëve dhe masa mbrojtëse kundër konfliktit të interesit nga anëtarët e komisionit.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

“Early voting is going to make a significant difference for countless numbers of New Yorkers by making polling places so much more accessible and allow voters to determine when it is most convenient for them,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Lawmakers and advocates on Thursday rallied at the Capitol for a bill that would automatically register people to vote in New York — a measure supporters say is needed to fully engage the public in the political process. The proposal would work like this: Anytime a potential voter interacts with state government through actions like submitting an application for driver's licenses or a fishing permit, they would be automatically registered to vote. They would have to affirmatively opt out of being registered.

"It's an...

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

“The Boards of Elections (BOE) across the state are setting up voters to fail in November by trying to sabotage early voting,” said Common Cause Executive Director Susan Lerner. “New Yorkers need access to voting centers in non-traditional locations, close to transportation, county-wide, and including local and state facilities. We’ve fought too hard to let New York vote, we’re not about the back down now.”

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

In a letter, the New York Civil Liberties Union, Common Cause New York and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law said the plan “will impose a severe burden on many of the City’s low-income voters.”

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

“The Board of Elections is doing the bare minimum to implement early voting, especially in Queens where there are more voters assigned to each polling site than any other borough,” Common Cause New York Executive Director Susan Lerner said. “This is not only inexcusable, but likely a violation of state law. We need between 50-100 voting centers across the city to serve New Yorkers in non-traditional locations, close to transportation, borough-wide, and including city and state facilities. Both the city and the state have devoted millions...

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

“It’s a violation of voter privacy and I think it doesn’t follow the requirements of New York’s election law,” Susan Lerner of Common Cause NY said. According to Lerner, the law says the info can only be provided to people who use it for election purposes.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

But one person’s transparency is another’s invasion of privacy. Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause NY, called the move "shocking," particularly after states, including New York, refused to turn over voter data to the federal government for President Trump’s now defunct voter fraud commission.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

The BOE has proposed purchasing a new fleet of uncertified voting machines to solve the issues, but local officials say that will only add to the problems.

“It’s hackable, the ballot is changeable,” said Susan Lerner with Common Cause.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

"Unë mendoj se ne po shkojmë në drejtimin e duhur," tha Susan Lerner, drejtore ekzekutive e grupit të qeverisjes së mirë Common Cause-NY, i cili ka mbështetur prej kohësh hapjen e procesit buxhetor më shumë për ligjvënësit dhe publikun. “Ata ende nuk dinë të bëjnë një proces legjislativ.”

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Councilors Wednesday received a presentation from Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, a statewide advocacy group that lobbies for better government processes. Lerner said the council’s current policy of letting its members draw the districts is a blatant conflict of interest.


  • Mbylle

    Përshëndetje! Duket sikur po na bashkohesh nga {state}.

    Dëshironi të shihni se çfarë po ndodh në shtetin tuaj?

    Shko te Kauza e Përbashkët {state}