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Alexis Grenell




240 Rezultate


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240 Rezultate


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Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

"It’s a mixed bag,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a government reform group. “A more open, lengthier process probably would have given us a stronger result.

“But I don’t want to undercut the fact that we’re at least talking about these things and at least moving some reforms.”

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

"They are picking a piece of voting technology that has been roundly criticized across the country and that is insecure," said Susan Lerner of Common Cause.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Advocates for early voting, including Common Cause-NY, said Wednesday the state needs to provide $25 million to $30 million in the $175 billion budget to implement early voting and avoid having the full cost paid by local property taxpayers. The New York State Association of Counties estimates that cost for implementing the system at $7 million to $10 million, and electronic poll books will cost another $27 million to $30 million.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

“Ideally there shouldn’t be fundraisers during budget negotiations or during the time the Legislature is in session,” said Susan Lerner, director of NY Common Cause.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Common Cause New York Executive Director Susan Lerner said the lobbying threshold proposal “makes no sense” and that New York needs “a governor who is willing to be a leader in encouraging civic engagement instead of discouraging” it.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Nearly a quarter of state lawmakers could be forced to give up their outside employment or divest from their businesses before the end of the year if they want to hold on to their seats, according to a new analysis by the good government group Common Cause New York.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

New York City is particularly well-suited to a ranked-choice voting system, argued Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, since voters tend to favor Democrats over Republicans by a wide margin, and where many Democrats and few Republicans run.

Lërini njujorkezët të renditin kandidatët e tyre: Ka kaluar shumë kohë për të rishikuar mënyrën se si funksionojnë zgjedhjet

Njoftim për shtyp

Lërini njujorkezët të renditin kandidatët e tyre: Ka kaluar shumë kohë për të rishikuar mënyrën se si funksionojnë zgjedhjet

Dje, në një nga garat më të mbushura me njerëz në historinë e qytetit të Nju Jorkut, Jumaane Williams fitoi fushatën e tij për Avokatin Publik kundër 16 kandidatëve të tjerë me 33% votash. Kjo është e drejtë. Një pjesë e vogël e njujorkezëve - vetëm 8,61 TP3T votues aktivë - dolën të zgjodhën politikanin e dytë më të fuqishëm në qytet dhe fituesi nuk iu afrua shumicës.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

"It is absolutely unimaginable that the people who are running our elections do not understand that their job is to help voters, and that they should be grateful for the assistance of New York City, which is the government for all New Yorkers," said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, during the rally.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

“This is a rogue agency,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, which has repeatedly sued the City Board of Elections on behalf of voters to improve the agency’s operations.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause/NY and a founding member of the Let NY Vote coalition, urged the state Legislature to include funding for early voting in their budget proposals.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

A misleadingly-named Good Government and Ethics Reform law proposed by Cuomo in his executive budget includes a provision in Part R that would reduce the threshold of money allowed to be spent on advocacy work from $5,000 to $500 before triggering the need to register as a lobbyist.


  • Mbylle

    Përshëndetje! Duket sikur po na bashkohesh nga {state}.

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