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Alexis Grenell




240 Rezultate


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240 Rezultate


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Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

"It's all about what's best for the two political parties," said Susan Lerner, executive director of the watchdog group Common Cause New York. "They have no concern for the voter."

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

But perhaps the most illuminating moment of the night came when moderator Brian Lehrer handed the mic to Common Cause Executive Director Susan Lerner, who asked how the future attorney general should use the powers of the office to protect voting rights in the state. None of the candidates seemed ready with a coherent response (Teachout, who referenced the state's lawsuit over the voter purge in Brooklyn last year, got closest.)

"I'm afraid not all the candidates answered the question that was asked," lamented Lerner.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

How would Cynthia Nixon handle over $3 billion in discretionary economic development funds?

"If Cynthia Nixon were governor and she followed the Cuomo mold, she would basically have complete control over about $3 billion in economic development money," says Susan Lerner, the executive director of the good government group Common Cause New York. "It's not 20 percent of the budget, but it's still a lot of money."

"It's easy to say this is wrong, and we should have some accountability. Well, lay out the right way to...

Një mundësi për të ofruar reformë reale zgjedhore në qytetin e Nju Jorkut

Njoftim për shtyp

Një mundësi për të ofruar reformë reale zgjedhore në qytetin e Nju Jorkut

Të martën e kaluar gjatë zgjedhjeve speciale të Ohio-12, amerikanët u zemëruan me votuesit e palëve të treta - përsëri - për "shpërdorim" të votave të tyre.

Ky problem nuk është unik për Ohio: në garat konkurruese me shumë kandidatë, ne shohim votues të mërzitur të një partie ose kandidati që mbajnë të tjerët përgjegjës për humbjen e tyre.

Faji nuk duhet t'u vihet votuesve -- duhet të jetë mbi sistemin e prishur zgjedhor. Vetëm shikoni qytetin e Nju Jorkut.

Filloret e qytetit të Nju Jorkut janë fusha të mbushura me njerëz, ndonjëherë me sa...

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

“In the United States, we have codified and legalized what in other countries would be considered corruption,” said Sarah Goff, associate director of Common Cause, a government watchdog group that has long called for the closing of the LLC loophole.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause-New York, said it's the public that loses out the most when candidates won't debate.
"It is unacceptable that Gov. Cuomo has yet to agree to public debates with his primary opponent, Cynthia Nixon," she said. "Debating is an essential part of democracy that can't be replaced by 30 second television ads."

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Susan Lerner, with the government reform group Common Cause, says the commissioners have a legitimate point that the chief enforcement officer has not done enough to go after the non-filers, as well as other potential violations of the campaign rules, but she says it’s a separate issue from limiting Sugarman’s investigative procedures.
“The kind of detail that this newly adopted rule requires is an invitation for partisan gamesmanship,” Lerner said.
Lerner says the larger problem with the Board of Elections is its makeup...

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

But the digital divide between rural and more developed areas is real, said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, a statewide nonprofit watchdog for good government.

“The resulting entity (from the Charter merger) is so large that they can just laugh at the state, and that’s exactly why the state has had to take the extreme position of revoking the merger,” said Lerner, who called on New York to regulate telecommunications companies as utilities.

“Any new company that took over from...

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Susan Learner, executive director of the government watchdog group Common Cause, slammed the Cuomo-friendly mailer as “misleading” and inappropriate.

“How can Governor Cuomo say that it’s easier to vote in New York when he and the legislature have failed, year after year, to pass common sense election reforms like early voting, and automatic voter registration? Not only is this mailer misleading, it’s a questionable use of tax dollars to promote the Governor’s re-election,” Lerner said.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

“Two juries have now twice convicted Dean Skelos of using his position in government to extort favors for his family in return for taxpayer funded resources. Case closed,” said Associate Director of Common Cause/NY Sarah Goff in statement.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Common Cause Executive Director Susan Lerner cited Crain's findings that, according to campaign finance documents and other official records, Hamilton has used a residential building at 284 New York Ave. in Brooklyn belonging to the block association as the base of his political operations for more than a decade, in violation of zoning and occupancy rules.

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Klip lajmesh

Good-government types have targeted this kind of thing since — well, forever: “There are no guidelines, and it really is a pretty obvious conflict of interest,” says Common Cause chief Susan Lerner.


  • Mbylle

    Përshëndetje! Duket sikur po na bashkohesh nga {state}.

    Dëshironi të shihni se çfarë po ndodh në shtetin tuaj?

    Shko te Kauza e Përbashkët {state}