Puna e Qeverisë

Our government should make decisions that further the public's interest. But recently, gridlock, hyper-partisanship, and out-of-date legislative process have hindered meaningful progress. We are fighting back.

Common Cause addresses a range of good government issues to ensure that public officials can their jobs. Over the years, we have worked to:

  • Reform the U.S. Senate to update its rules and curb abuse of the silent filibuster
  • Prevent government shutdowns over anti-democratic political agendas
  • Make sure voters have necessary information about budgets, spending, and the legislative process
  • Stop legislators from wrongly interfering with presidential and gubernatorial appointments to the executive and judicial branch
  • Ensure state legislatures have adequate time and funding to conduct the peoples’ business

Mbështetja juaj financiare na ndihmon të ndikojmë duke e mbajtur pushtetin përgjegjës dhe forcimin e demokracisë.



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Klip lajmesh

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“I think we are headed in the right direction,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of the Common Cause-NY good-government group which has long supported opening the budget process more to rank-and-file legislators and the public. “They still don’t know how to do a legislative process.”


  • Mbylle

    Përshëndetje! Duket sikur po na bashkohesh nga {state}.

    Dëshironi të shihni se çfarë po ndodh në shtetin tuaj?

    Shko te Kauza e Përbashkët {state}