
When Common Cause New York takes action, we make a real difference for democracy.

With the support of our dedicated members, we have shown up time and time again to protect New Yorkers’ rights. We will continue to make our government here in New York more open, honest, and accountable. Check out some of our most impactful victories:


Overhauling New York’s antiquated election laws
In 2023, Common Cause New York’s ten-bill pro-democracy package was signed into law. This collection of reforms establishes New York’s first universal vote-by-mail system, provides New Yorkers with an extra day to register to vote during early voting, helps formerly incarcerated people understand their rights, and much more. This was a key victory in the fight to protect and expand the right to vote in New York.

Bringing Ranked Choice Voting to NYC
New York City voters passed a ballot initiative in 2019 instituting Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for all primary and special elections in the city after a hard-fought campaign by Common Cause New York and our partners. With RCV, politicians have to compete everywhere and pay attention to every community, voters now have more voice and more choice and candidates take office with support from a majority of their constituents.

Learn more about our wins.

For years, Common Cause New York has been working across our state for a stronger democracy.


Members across the state



Counties with Common Cause New York members

Our supporters live and take action in every corner of our state.


Pro-voter bills passed in Albany since 2019



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