

“过于宽泛的合同,比如与德勤和波士顿咨询集团签订的州情咨文和现在的 Excelsior Pass 合同,允许州政府将大量纳税人的钱花在可疑的项目上。纽约人应该确切地知道他们的钱是如何花的,以及他们从中获得的价值——尤其是那些历来属于公共部门雇员而不是以营利为目的的私营企业的职权范围的工作。”

On May 16th, in response to 消息 that New York State Excelsior Pass skyrocketed in price to $64M, Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY, issued the following statement:

“Overly broad contracts, like the ones with Deloitte and Boston Consulting Group for both the State of the State and now the Excelsior Pass, allow the state to spend large amounts of taxpayer dollars on dubious projects. New Yorkers should know exactly how their money is being spent and the value they’re getting for it – especially on work that is historically the purview of public sector employees, not profit-driven private sector firms.”

Common Cause/NY previously FOILED for the State of the State contracts with Deloitte and Boston Consulting Group (found 这里, 和 这里), which were extremely vague and non-specific.


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