

“2021 年,纽约人在美国历史上规模最大的排序投票选举中成功投票!”Common Cause/NY 执行董事 Susan Lerner 说道。“现在,纽约人可以再次利用排序投票,投票选出他们喜欢的市议会候选人。排序投票为选民提供了更多选择和更多发言权,并将权力重新交到人民手中,每次都产生共识多数获胜者。这就是我们现在需要的强大民主。”

On June 2nd, members of Rank the Vote NYC joined together to remind New Yorkers they can rank up to five candidates in the upcoming June primary city council elections. There are 24 primaries, nineteen Democratic and five Republican races, throughout the city. Early Voting starts June 17, and Election Day is June 27.

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) gives voters the opportunity to either rank as many as five candidates in order of preference or vote for just one like they always have. If no one wins with a majority (more than 50 percent), the candidate that came in last is eliminated and voters’ second choice votes get counted and so on until there’s a majority winner.

RCV applies to primaries and special elections for all local offices including City Council, Borough President, Comptroller, Public Advocate and Mayor. Voters overwhelmingly passed RCV in the fall of 2019, with 74 percent of the vote.


“In 2021, New Yorkers successfully voted in the largest ranked choice voting election in U.S. history!” said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause/NY. “Now, New Yorkers can take advantage of ranked choice voting again and vote for their preferred City Council candidates. Ranked choice voting affords voters more choice and more voice and puts power back in the hands of the people, delivering consensus majority winners every time. That’s the robust democracy we need right now.”

“New Yorkers are about to head to the polls to vote in the City Council primary, with more opportunities to have their voices heard. Here in New York City, we are excited to see Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) available again for voters, making our local democracy more equitable by giving voters more choices at the ballot box. We applaud the New York City Civic Engagement Commission, Campaign Finance Board, and our member organizations for their dedicated multilingual voter outreach efforts, and we urge all New Yorkers to cast their ballots and participate in our democratic process,” said Wennie Chin, Director of Civic Engagement at the New York Immigration Coalition.

“Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a transformative system that can empower communities of color by fostering accountability among elected officials and candidates and reducing barriers for historically marginalized candidates in political candidacy,” says Lurie Daniel Favors, Esq., Executive Director of the Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College. “Unlike the single-winner system, RCV allows for multiple women candidates or candidates of color without concerns of vote splitting. This inclusive approach helps avoid pigeonholing candidates based on gender or race and encourages elected officials to address the needs and concerns of Black and Brown communities for re-election. RCV was a win for New York City in 2021, and we’re confident that the system will continue strengthening fair representation, community engagement, and inclusive democracy during the upcoming election cycle.”

“APA VOICE looks forward to empowering our community members with the information they need to rank their vote in city council districts with active primary elections this June. Our coalition members will incorporate multilingual ranked choice voting training in all of our outreach including our candidate forums for City Council Districts 1 (Lower East Side/Chinatown), 19 (Whitestone/Bayside), 29 (Richmond Hill/Forest Hills) and 43 (Bensonhurst) and in-person door canvassing outreach. We encourage our community members to rank their vote and expand their voting power in June!” said Sandra Choi, Civic Participation Director at Minkwon.

“Ranked-choice voting is a powerful tool for achieving authentic gender representation. The New Majority NYC is proud to use RCV in our endorsement process to help a diverse group of women win elections. RCV eliminates vote-splitting so that voters can truly vote for their preferred candidates, in order, without fear of harming another candidate’s chances. RCV has been proven to increase diversity, both in political participation and representation. The most diverse City Council in history is not an accident, it’s the result of RCV and other democratic reforms embraced by New York City,” said Jessica Haller Executive Director The New Majority NYC.

Voters can expect to know the final winner in a few weeks — thanks to pro-voter election laws. On Election night, we will know the first choice results of early votes, election day votes, and received valid absentee ballots. Thanks to a new, excellent law, a voter can correct or “cure” their absentee ballot over a small mistake, like forgetting his or her signature. The BOE contacts voters about the opportunity to fix their mistake, and corrected ballots are due back by mid July.


2021 年,Common Cause/NY 和 Rank the Vote NYC 发布了该市首次排序投票选举的出口民意调查初步结果。这项民意调查由爱迪生研究公司在提前投票期间和选举日进行,样本量为 1,662 人,既有现场调查也有电话调查,选民的年龄、种族和教育水平各不相同,反映了该市的人口结构。民意调查显示,选民们接受了排序投票的好处,认为它简单易懂,并希望在未来的选举中使用它。



  • 83% 的选民在市长初选中至少对两名候选人进行了排名。大多数选择不进行排名的选民是因为他们只喜欢一名候选人。
  • 42% 的选民最大限度地发挥了他们新获得的权力,对五位候选人进行了排名。


  • 51% 排名是因为它允许他们投票支持自己的价值观
  • 49% 排名靠前,因为它允许他们支持多位候选人
  • 41% 被列入榜单是因为它赋予了他们更多的选举权


  • 95% 的选民认为选票很容易填写。
  • 78% 的纽约人表示他们非常或非常了解排序投票。


  • 77% 的纽约人希望在未来的地方选举中实行排序选择投票制。


  • 77% 的黑人选民表示他们理解排序投票
  • 80% 的西班牙裔选民表示他们了解排序投票制
  • 77% 的亚裔选民表示他们理解排序投票制
  • 81% 的白人选民表示他们理解排序投票


  • 93% 的黑人选民发现他们的选票很容易填写。
  • 95% 的西班牙裔选民认为他们的选票很容易填写。
  • 97% 的亚裔选民认为他们的选票很容易填写。
  • 95% 的白人选民认为他们的选票很容易填写。


  • 总体而言,72% 的选民对三位或更多候选人进行了排名。
  • 有 66% 的黑人选民对三名或三名以上的候选人进行了排名,有 64% 的西班牙裔选民对三名或三名以上的候选人进行了排名,有 80% 的白人选民对三名或三名以上的候选人进行了排名,有 72% 的亚裔选民对三名或三名以上的候选人进行了排名。


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