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Voting & Elections 10.27.2022

Inside Sources/Tribune News Service (Op-Ed): MAGA Republicans Plot to Nationalize Voter Suppression

Although significant attention has focused on the more than 400 anti-voter bills introduced (several dozen of which have become law) in state legislatures since the insurrection, some federal bills also portend a dangerous trend. Congressional Republicans have introduced more than 30 anti-voter bills since the insurrection that have largely gone unnoticed. These anti-voter bills telegraph what congressional MAGA Republicans would like to do: make it harder for certain Americans to vote.

New York Times: Running Against Hochul, Lee Zeldin Finds Another Target: Alvin Bragg

Mr. Zeldin’s pledge to push him out “is an authoritarian move,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a good government advocacy group. “If the voters recall a D.A., that’s the will of the voters. But for some other entity to override the will of the voters is antithetical to our system of governance.”

Money & Influence 10.27.2022

Bloomberg: Masked poll watchers are showing up at voting sites with handguns and Kevlar vests

“Ballot drop boxes are open for much longer than polling places. They aren’t staffed and they are often placed in locations that make them vulnerable for people to act in a way that you would probably not see in a polling place,” said Suzanne Almeida, who is heading a voter intimidation hotline for the advocacy group Common Cause.

Voting & Elections 10.24.2022

USA Today/Gannett: Midterm election drives bevy of lawsuits over ballots, voting in battleground states

"It's pretty common to see both sides of the aisle throw down lawsuits in the weeks leading up to an election," said Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections for Common Cause. "What's different about litigation this year is it's directly tied to the 2020 election and the 'big lie,' meant to discourage voters from coming out to cast a ballot, and to lower their confidence in the outcome of our elections."

Salon: Steve Bannon sentenced to 4 months in prison — and this time Trump can't pardon him

"No American is above the law, including former presidents and their advisers," Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs at Common Cause, said in a statement. "Steve Bannon learned that today through a jail sentence and a fine for defying a subpoena from the January 6th Committee." "It is imperative that Congress have subpoena power with teeth in order to fulfill its oversight and investigatory responsibilities," Scherb added. "If individuals could defy congressional subpoenas with impunity, our system of checks and balances would break down."

Media & Democracy 10.21.2022

Associated Press: Social media platforms brace for midterm elections mayhem

“Americans deserve more than lip service and half-measures from the platforms,” said Yosef Getachew, director of Common Cause’s media and democracy program. “These platforms have been weaponized by enemies of democracy, both foreign and domestic.”

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