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Voting & Elections 12.15.2021

Pennsylvania Capital-Star (Op-Ed): Why we’re fighting in Commonwealth Court to protect your vote

We believe that our government “by the people” is stronger when more people participate. We believe in free and fair elections. We believe politicians should not be allowed to silence voters, either by nullifying our votes or by creating new barriers to the ballot box. As advocates for the right to vote, we know a scam when we see it. That’s why we’ll do what it takes to stop these state senators’ “election review” and protect voting rights for all.

Media & Democracy 12.14.2021

Reuters: U.S. former officials urge 'speedy' resolution of 5G wireless aviation dispute

Former FCC chairs Ajit Pai, Tom Wheeler, Julius Genachowski, Michael Copps, Michael Powell and Mignon Clyburn said in a joint letter they were "concerned" about the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) recent efforts to revisit the FCC’s 2020 decision to allow use of the C-Band spectrum for wireless use. The former officials said the agencies should work to "resolve the FAA’s concerns expeditiously, but this debate should not be fought publicly in a way that undermines consumer confidence in the process."

Washington Post (Op-Ed): Democrats might lose the House because they didn’t embrace gerrymandering

Note, for example, the remarks by Colorado Common Cause leader Amanda Gonzalez, who defended the latest redistricting trends: “By taking the process out of the hands of politicians, I’m sure it frustrates some people in power. But I think it’s a process that’s much more trusted by the average Coloradan. I think that’s ultimately a good thing.” 

Money & Influence 12.14.2021

The Hill: Democrats introduce bill to end political spending by foreign-owned corporations

“Americans deserve to know who is trying to influence our voices and our votes, and foreign entities should have zero role in determining American elections,” Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause, said in a statement.

Media & Democracy 12.13.2021

Bloomberg: Six Former FCC Chiefs ‘Concerned’ Over Aviation Agency 5G Stance

“The FAA position threatens to derail the reasoned conclusions reached by the FCC after years of technical analysis and study,” the signers, a mix of Republicans and Democrats, said in the letter. They are Ajit Pai, Tom Wheeler, Mignon Clyburn, Julius Genachowski, Michael Copps and Michael Powell.

Public News Service: House Republicans Release Draft Proposals for PA Congressional Map

Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, said the map in its current form does not allow for a community-level dive, making it harder for residents to provide feedback. "We don't have the underlying shapefiles," Ali explained. "We have no way again to evaluate whether and how this map divides communities of color. Particularly in Philadelphia, Allegheny County, Lancaster, Dauphin, York, all those counties are really relevant when we're talking about this question of racial equity and adhering to the Voting Rights Act."

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