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Money & Influence 11.11.2021

Daily Beast: Embattled GOP Senator Says a Staffer Messed Up His Campaign Reports and Vanished. We Found Him in Minutes.

Paul S. Ryan, vice president of policy and litigation at campaign watchdog Common Cause, said the allegations cover “massive violations,” including breaking a law more than 100 years old. “Federal law prohibits candidates from receiving contributions from corporations. This law has been on the books for more than a century for the purpose of preventing politicians from being in the pocket of big corporations,” Ryan told The Daily Beast. The audit, he said, “shows his campaign likely committed massive violations of federal law through receipt of more than $8.5 million in corporate contributions.” Ryan explained that candidates can borrow money from financial institutions in the ordinary course of business and on standard lending terms. However, he said, auditors discovered more than $7 million in unsecured loans—without Braun putting up “the typically required collateral to assure the loans would be repaid.” As for the $1.5 million from Braun’s own company, Ryan said the loan exemplifies “special treatment from financial corporations” that “undermines the integrity of our campaign finance laws.” “Senator Braun and the corporate lenders should be held accountable for any violations,” Ryan added.

The Guardian: US redistricting: are Republicans trying to rig the maps?

“I think it’s really easy to think, ‘We’ve had this experience. This means this doesn’t work,’” said Catherine Turcer, who works for the good government group Common Cause. But “it could be that the courts step in”. Or “it could be the reform works well in stopping bad actors who act badly”.

Washington Post: Maryland’s lone Republican congressman could be ousted under one proposed map offered by legislative commission

Joanne Antoine, the executive director of Common Cause Maryland, a nonpartisan group that advocates for fairer maps, said Common Cause had been anxiously awaiting the release of the commission’s proposed maps. She said she was pleased to see that the commission released a variety of proposals. “We’re happy. … We thought it might be just one map,” she said. “Giving the public and advocates different options to weigh in on is helpful.” She said advocacy groups will offer feedback in the remaining three public hearings that the commission has scheduled over the next week, including a statewide virtual hearing Monday evening.

Media & Democracy 11.10.2021

Salon: Coalition demands AT&T sever ties with pro-Trump "propaganda channel" OANN

Yosef Getachew, director of the Media and Democracy Program at Common Cause, said in a statement Monday that "the harmful disinformation OANN spreads has had real-world impacts on democracy and public health, from the violent insurrection on our Capitol to the death and suffering of so many who were misinformed by the network's coverage of the pandemic." "AT&T must be held accountable for its role in building and bankrolling OANN," Getachew added, "and DirecTV must no longer carry this dangerous disinformation network."

Voting & Elections 11.10.2021

Roll Call: 2022 races will put election integrity to the test

“We still have the Trump Big Lie that is metastasizing,” said Stephen Spaulding, senior counsel for public policy and government affairs at Common Cause. “Trust is the glue that really holds the system together. When it starts to erode, it really threatens the whole system.” Groups, such as Spaulding’s, are gearing up for big efforts ahead of the midterms to combat election disinformation. They plan to dispatch nonpartisan poll monitors and scrub social media of inaccurate information, especially about dates, places and ways of voting. 

Voting & Elections 11.9.2021

The Fulcrum: Report suggests plan for limiting election disinformation

Eight months after Inauguration Day, one-third of Americans told pollsters they still believed Donald Trump actually won the election and that Joe Biden stole it away from the incumbent. A new report offers a mix of government and corporate reforms to limit the spread and influence of such election disinformation. The Common Cause Education Fund, an affiliate of the democracy reform advocacy group Common Cause, issued a report in late October reviewing the state of disinformation campaigns and a series of recommendations designed to stem the tide. "Just as we came together last year, rising up to vote safely and securely in record numbers during a global pandemic, we must now rise up to stop election disinformation efforts in future elections," the researchers wrote.

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