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Money & Influence 07.15.2021

CNN: Porsches, Gucci rings and billions of robocalls: Inside the PAC operation that raised millions by impersonating Donald Trump

"Self-enrichment is the defining characteristic of a scam PAC, regardless of what they're saying they're doing or in fact doing with the money," said Paul S. Ryan, the vice president of policy and litigation at the watchdog group Common Cause. "Just saying that you spent the money on robocalls doesn't negate allegations of scam PAC-i-ness." But a worst-case scenario, according to Ryan, of the watchdog group Common Cause, would play out like this: the FEC fines would continue to grow but a PAC "so deep in the red could just shut down. It could close its bank account, close its office or P.O. Box and, for all intents and purposes, disappear," said Ryan. And because PACs are typically corporations, said Ryan, "The people who set up the PAC are only personally financially liable under campaign finance law if they've knowingly and willfully violated the law."

Voting & Elections 07.14.2021

Associated Press: Biden blasts ‘un-American’ voting limits; Texas Dems act

“Administrative action, litigation, and organizing are critical to combat this, but these tactics are not a substitute for congressional action on the For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,” Karen Hobert Flynn, president of the group Common Cause, said Tuesday. “As the president ramps up his use of the bully pulpit and engages with senators, we urge him to make clear that the Senate minority’s use of the filibuster—a Jim Crow relic, in the words of former President Obama—must never stand in the way of the freedom to vote.”

Money & Influence 07.13.2021

Daily Beast: Donald Trump May Already Be Violating Campaign Laws

Paul Ryan, vice president of policy and litigation at campaign finance reform group Common Cause, told The Daily Beast that Trump may be keenly concerned about the issue if he has plans to supercharge one of his existing PACs. “The potential violations will get really serious if Trump uses an unlimited-money vehicle to promote a 2024 run,” Ryan said. “I’m a little surprised he hasn’t done this yet.” Ryan, of Common Cause, pointed to a unanimous 2019 FEC decision which found reason to believe Trump’s 2016 opponent, then-Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, violated these rules. “Trump is on notice regarding how the FEC interprets these laws,” he said. “Any Trump violations would arguably be knowing and willful, subjecting him to potential criminal prosecution.”

Voting & Elections 07.12.2021

TIME: Texas House Democrats Invoke the ‘Nuclear Option,' Fleeing to D.C. to Stall Voting Restrictions

Voting rights advocates say the legislation being considered in the special session in Texas are largely the same as the bills that failed to pass during the regular session. The bills would “make it even more difficult to vote, especially for senior, disabled, and low-income Texans,” says Anthony Gutierrez, executive director for Common Cause Texas.

Voting & Elections 07.12.2021

Newsweek: Texas Democrats Walk Out of State Legislature to Block Elections Bill, Fly to D.C. Instead

"Texas Democrats are showing America what it looks like to fight like hell for our voting rights. They are using every tool available because they know there is nothing more important than preserving our democracy so every Texan can have their voice be heard by their government," Common Cause Texas Executive Director Anthony Gutierrez added in a statement. Gutierrez noted that while the actions of state lawmakers are commendable, other states may not have the same option to push back on their own respective election bills. "Texas is just one example. Voters in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and countless others are also facing Republican-led schemes to strip away our voting rights," he said. "Voters cannot afford to wait any longer for Congress to take action. If we believe in free and fair elections, then we have to fight for them." "Texas Democrats have led by example, doing whatever it takes to preserve our democracy. Now it's time for Congress to do the same," Gutierrez added.

News & Observer: Senators are helping pay Sen. Burr’s legal expenses. Here’s a closer look at the donors

“In my view, it’s the least troubling of the money,” said Paul S. Ryan, the vice president of policy and litigation at Common Cause. ‘I am far more concerned seeing people with business before Burr’s committees than I am seeing money from other members of Congress.” ... “There’s heightened concern of fundraising into a legal expense fund by a member of Congress not running for reelection,” Ryan said. “... The threat for corruption or, at a minimum, the appearance of corruption is greater when it comes to $10,000 contributions for a legal expenses fund for an individual who is leaving office in 18 months.”

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