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Voting & Elections 03.18.2021

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Georgia voting limits bill may preserve Sunday and no-excuse absentee

Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia, said out-of-precinct voters would be disenfranchised if their provisional ballots are discarded. Under current law, federal and state races for voters who show up in the wrong county precinct are counted, but they can’t vote for local contests they’re not eligible to participate in. “This bill cuts at every part of the voting process in Georgia and is making it very difficult for the most vulnerable populations in Georgia to be able to cast a ballot,” Dennis said.

Voting & Elections 03.18.2021

The Guardian: Texas Republicans pushing slate of bills to make voting even harder in state

“These exact kinds of lies about voting led to people dying in the insurrection at the Capitol. This goes way beyond politicians playing legislative chess to retain power,” Anthony Gutierrez, the executive director of the Texas chapter of Common Cause, a watchdog group, wrote in an email.

Voting & Elections 03.16.2021

Associated Press: Voter outreach led to big drop in rejected mail ballots

“It’s not that something bad didn’t happen when we worried something bad would happen. It’s that we did all this hard work to stop the bad thing from happening,” said Sylvia Albert with Common Cause, one of several groups assisting voters who encountered problems with mail ballots.

Voting & Elections 03.16.2021

NBC Peacock – The Mehdi Hasan Show (VIDEO): The Fight Over the Massive Bill to Reform Voting Rights

Voter suppression efforts are escalating in 43 states, as are Republican efforts to block passage of H.R. 1, the massive voting rights bill just passed by House Dems. The Bulwark's Charlie Sykes and Stephen Spaulding of Common Cause help Mehdi understand what's in the bill and what's at stake.

Associated Press: South emerges as flashpoint of brewing redistricting battle

“It means a state can engage in midnight gerrymandering and essentially evade court review, run elections with those gerrymandered maps and get away with it until the next election,” said Kathay Feng, Common Cause’s redistricting director.

Voting & Elections 03.15.2021

Blavity: Activists Slam Georgia Republicans' Bill To Restrict Voting As 'Jim Crow With A Suit And Tie'

Common Cause Georgia released a statement calling the bill “Jim Crow with a suit and tie." "Georgia’s voters deserve better than to be shut out of legislators’ discussions – particularly when those discussions involve new barriers to voting," the statement read. "Voting is the foundation of American democracy. By aiming at our ability to cast ballots, Georgia’s legislators are striking at the very core of our government. These legislators may be acting on behalf of their party interests or their political donors. They are certainly not acting on behalf of the people of Georgia."

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