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Voting & Elections 08.16.2020

USA Today/Gannett (Op-Ed): Relief for COVID-19 and democracy: Mobilize for USPS and voting support in next bill

It is time for a unified call from all stakeholders to ensure elected officials meet this demand for safe, accessible voting. We certainly need to hear the powerful voice of America’s business community.  U.S. corporations, after all, have a strong stake in maintaining America’s long history of political stability — truly at risk this year — because it guarantees the business climate which has made ours the world’s largest economy. Wealthy corporations, who can afford to pour seemingly limitless sums into the electoral process, have long had an inside advantage when it comes to influencing Congress.

Money & Influence 08.14.2020

Slate/Just Security (Op-Ed): Is Jared Kushner Illegally Coordinating With Kanye West?

This week Forbes broke the story that Jared Kushner, “de facto chief” of President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, has been speaking “regularly,” “almost daily,” with Kanye West since West’s July 4 tweet declaring that he is running for president. “Regular” conversations between the head of one presidential campaign and an opposing candidate looks like coordination and is highly irregular. Depending on what they’re talking about, they may be breaking campaign finance laws.

Voting & Elections 08.13.2020

Washington Post: Supreme Court denies GOP request, allows R.I. pandemic-related relief on mail-in ballots

John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, said the organization is “thrilled that the Supreme Court agreed not to stay the consent decree. Because of this order hundreds of thousands of Rhode Island voters will be able to safely cast their ballots without risking their health.”

Money & Influence 08.13.2020

Washington Post: Is Jared Kushner illegally coordinating with Kanye West?

The first potential issue, according to Paul S. Ryan of the watchdog group Common Cause, is if Kushner encouraged West to do something proactive that could benefit Trump’s campaign, such as running for office. If Kushner solicited from West what could be valued at more than the legal limit of $2,800, it could be considered an in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. And, given the expense of running campaigns, it seems likely if not guaranteed that West running for office — and expending much more than $2,800 — would violate that law. The second issue is if they coordinated about the campaign — i.e., if Kushner encouraged West to do something specific when it comes to launching or running a campaign. “Any expenditure made by Kanye West in cooperation, consultation or concert with — or at the request or suggestion of — Kushner, an agent of the Trump campaign, would be considered an in-kind contribution from the Kanye West campaign to the Trump campaign,” Ryan said.

Voting & Elections 08.13.2020

HuffPost: How The Eviction Crisis Could Compound Voter Suppression Come November

“These problems have always existed. They have just been limited to mostly low-income Black and Brown voters,” said Sylvia Albert, Director of Voting and Elections at pro-democracy organization Common Cause. “That population [of people being evicted] has ballooned in the current crisis, and what it exposes is how some parts of our system are not responsive to the needs of the voters.” ... The additional hurdles of a pandemic and an eviction crisis haven’t discouraged people’s interest in voting, Albert said.  “In reaction to the pandemic and the actions of the administration, people feel very strongly one way or another, and it has made them engage more passionately,” she said. “All we need to do now is make sure they have the access.”

Voting & Elections 08.11.2020

New York Times: A New Clash Over Mail Voting: The Cost of the Postage

“States are already strapped for cash,” Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections at Common Cause, said Tuesday. “At a time when the Congress has not appropriated sufficient funds to help election officials run these elections this November, it’s ridiculous to contemplate adding more to their budgets.”

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